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Everything posted by GleyFox

  1. When I first came into this website, I was looking for Metal Gear Solid remix. I downloaded a few of them and frankly, Reuben's music is my favourite! I am really impressed by his remixes. His music brings images flipping into my mind and I can see the story he's trying to say in his music. There was a few time I replayed his music over and over again for so many times! I brought his music to my work place to share it with my colleagues. They too love it and get immersed by his remixes. My colleague took my place and kept replaying it over and over again... To me, some of his remixes had surpass the original soundtrack of the games. We were deeply saddened by his departure from this world.. A true talent who played his music with his soul. A great lost to the community. The only thing he left behind for the people here is the passion that comes in all of his musics. He will always be remembered.. My condolence to his family. Take care.
  2. A shock to me when I learn about his death. His remixes are great! One of my favourite remix done by him are Metal Gear Solid Legend of the Snake. He has a website at http://www.reubenkee.com/httpdocs/pathos2f.html You can download all of his remixes and some original soundtracks from there. Such a waste he's gone now. I guess his website will become still and silent from now on. He'll definitely be missed. RIP Reuben Kee
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