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  1. I am shocked that Nobuo Uematsu's legitimate FB page has less 'likes' than other imitation pages!! Glad to be a part of righting a wrong! and maybe i'll get to me him! I'd be ok with that too!
  2. ANOTHER schala remix...really?!...I just can't stomach anoth.....oh....wait....what's this? ..umm wow.....It's good. It's great. Totally different feel from many other Schala remixes. I'm really glad the remixer was not persuaded to avoid making this due to the high volume of Schala remixes. This really does have it's own personality that stands on its own. Great work! (Great enough to persuade me to post my first post to OCRemix! )
  3. 1-Kefka 2-Dr Light 3-Nathan "Rad" Spencer
  4. I did not know Reuben. I only knew his music. It inspired and touched me enough to feel deeply saddened by his loss. I can't believe that even i am shedding tears over someone I really didnt know. His music meant alot to me, particularly "Ascension to Cosmo Canyon" which i feel is one of the best pieces of remixes I 've heard. It is vivid, passionate, and fills me with emotion when i hear it. He had a great talent and will be missed. My condolenses to the family and friends of Reuben. Know that he inspired and touched many lives with his music, including myself.
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