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Everything posted by genoboost

  1. Shows tomorrow! Hope to see some of you there!
  2. Show is less than one week away! Hope to see some of you folks there, if you show up definitely introduce yourselves! Remember presale tickets are only $10 over at http://www.gallerynucleus.com/event/254 Snag them now or it'll be 15 bucks at the door!
  3. It's definitely huge, but no The OneUps on it We'll get you out to Los Angeles eventually though, you'll see. ANYWAY, about the show, we just got a package of some of the stuff we'll have to give away thanks to Capcom! Mega Man 10 shirts and Lost Planet 2 plush toys!
  4. So we (IE my website) are throwing a swanky E3 bash in Los Angeles on June 15th at Gallery Nucleus. This is basically a huge video game inspired music show, we got the rock courtesy of The Megas, Quarter Circle Jab, and Tanuki Suit Riot. Got chiptunes via Wizwars and EvilWezil, and we can't forget the video game hip hop brought to us by Mega Ran and A_Rival, so there is definitely something for everyone! Hope folks can come on out and support a huge show all about video game music! Artists performing: A_Rival (San Francisco, CA) – http://rivalrivalrival.bandcamp.com The Megas (Los Angeles, CA) – http://themegas.com Random AKA Mega Ran (Phoenix, AZ) – http://megaran.com WizWars (Los Angeles, CA) – http://myspace.com/wizwars EvilWezil (Los Angeles, CA) – http://myspace.com/evilwezil Tanuki Suit Riot (Los Angeles, CA) – http://tanukisuitriot.com Quarter Circle Jab (Fresno, CA) - http://myspace.com/qtrcirclejab Tickets $10 Presale Presale tickets available at http://www.gallerynucleus.com/event/254 $15 at the door Also should mention... FREE GIVEAWAYS from CAPCOM at the show! Gallery Nucleus 210 East Main St Alhambra CA 91801 http://www.gallerynucleus.com Brought to you by: Game Music 4 All - http://gamemusic4all.com Broken Tape Decks - http://brokentapedecks.com Sponsored by: Nerdapalooza - http://nerdapalooza.org Nerdy Show Podcast - http://nerdyshow.com Capcom - http://capcom-unity.com Hope some folks here can make it out! Also should mention, this is an all ages show so anyone can come on out!
  5. Two new videos! http://vimeo.com/10299440 remix of Road to the Future from Xbox Live Arcade shooter Omega Five by Tatsuhico http://vimeo.com/10302328 "No Weather Who You Are," it features arrangement and photographs by Alexander Piterskiy of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Hope you enjoy these ones! I also got a glimpse of the nearly finished site for the album too tonight, it is looking Grade-A! Can't wait to release this one on everyone! Also, anyone that is going to PAX East, i know OCR is representing there, so hope to meet some of you folks there!
  6. New video of the remix Spanky's Quest Boss by Crashfaster. Check it out! http://vimeo.com/10239335 Also, can't wait unveil Anosou's track as well! Glad you are looking forward to it as well, I didn't know you met Iwatsuki, that's awesome!
  7. Wow after being a fan of OCR since 01 and lurking the boards since around 04 I am actually making my first topic, I am a bit nervous. Anyway, I think it's a good one! Alongside Jeriaska of nobuoo.com My website Game Music 4 All and I have worked very hard to create a brand new compilation. The basics are, we saw fit to pay tribute to an amazing and under appreciated composer who has created VGM for 20 years ever since the SNES days. That composer is Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, who has composed music for a ton of cult classic games such as Pocky & Rocky, Wild Guns, Ninja Warriors and more. The official announcement is here: Official GM4A IWADON announcement Our compilation will be released next week (Free of course) to download! Over 30 tracks including music from Stemage of Metroid Metal, Another Soundscape, Manuel Mora, MutherPluckin' B and several other musicians from all over the globe! Jeriaska is also hard at work creating one video per day with a song from the album to build up to the album release. Yesterday's track was Kento Watanabe and his arrangement of IWADON’s Omega Five track Stage Clear: Report from Destroyer. Watanabe’s rearrangement is titled Report From the 1920s and you can check it out on Vimeo here. http://vimeo.com/10218204 EDIT #1 03/18/10 New video of the remix Spanky's Quest Boss by Crashfaster. Check it out! http://vimeo.com/10239335 I'll be sure to add updated links to new videos, and of course the full album once it's available here!
  8. Love this song ever since I heard it a while back on the recent 8bi album!
  9. Since I have been hearing this song for a couple months now since it was on my sites compilation, I have to say it is definitely an amazing track, and still in my regular rotation of songs several months later. There's honestly no part of this song I don't like, and glad to see it on OCR so a ton more people can know how awesome the song is!
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