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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. yes and the latest trailer is lending evidence to the 'pussies and pansies' thing
  2. I don't hate KH yeah people in japan liking japanese things is no big deal people in north america liking japanese things because they are japanese things is kind of terrible
  3. no actually I'm pretty sure they're designed to appeal to the 'omg anime so kawaii yaoi bishounen kingdom hearts my sword has motorcycle' crowd
  4. Why is Gen's Gekiro impossible to time for the full attack?
  5. guess I'll try eve onlizzzzzzzzz
  6. yeah pressing two buttons instead of one is sure to fuck everyone up royally also I am going to marry Sakura
  7. Ryu Ken E. Honda Guile Chun-Li Blanka Dhalsim Zangief Balrog Vega Sagat M. Bison Sakura Dan Fei-Long Gen Rose Cammy Akuma and new characters Gouken (Ryu and Ken's teacher) Abel (French amnesiac) C. Viper (American spy woman) El Fuerte (Luchador/Cook) Rufus (Annoying fat guy) Seth (SNK Boss)
  8. When unlocking Akuma and Gouken, does the difficulty matter?
  9. Yeah but they were still basically industrial complexes that were a front for a secret organization bent on world domination! It would make sense if there were secret bases and whatnot built into the pyramids to make it seem like every other map, but at this point it doesn't make any contextual sense.
  10. I like Street Fighter more than Guilty Gear for that very reason. You don't have to be a master combo-ist to be able to be somewhat good at Street Fighter.
  11. Egypt? Egypt?! that doesn't even fit with the theme or the setting or agh so stupid
  12. Just bought this; fantastic game. EXCEPT RUFUS I HATE HIM SO MUCH
  13. Internet Tough Guy it's actually kind of sad really
  15. if people are really hating on EarthBound in favour of the Commodore fucking 64 then these boards are more ridiculous then I thought
  16. unless the load times are longer than thirty seconds I really don't see a reason to bitch
  17. if it's not EarthBound then who cares what it is
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