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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. I thought that if almost every reviewer is giving glorious praise to DS's superb sound, Yahtzee could have afforded to give it a passing mention

    I'm going to go and assume that all the other reviewers also have big expensive sound systems with which to enjoy said sound

    when people play Dead Space on a 28 inch TV from 1995 that only has mono output, trust me when I say that nobody is going to care about the sound quality

    Furnishings?! You really expect a space vehicle designed to crack open planets to feature couches, armchairs, rugs, and the like? This isn't a resort or hotel...Almost everybody is supposed to work around the clock to to their dang job!

    and the best way to make sure they do that job to the best of their ability is to obvious make them tired and depressed

  2. Is it supposed to hurt so much and/or will the pain eventually go away with practice?

    Yes, it will.

    I find that I my left shoulder and wrist barely cramp as much when I let the neck of the violin rest in the palm and wrist of my left hand but would getting used to this kind of "incorrect" positioning be a problem later on in the future?

    Yes, it will.

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