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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. [from the steam forums]

    Players of TF2,

    I present to you, today, a modest proposal.

    It may have occurred to some of you that this game is not balanced. Pyro is too easy to play and rewards the less skilled, the demoman is plain out too good, the sniper can only be beaten by another sniper, etcetera, etcetera. But I want you all to THINK. What could take it away? What could take away all of this unbalance; what could make scouts align with sentries, what could make heavies a fair match for snipers, what could make soldiers a fair match for pyros?

    The obvious answer is to take them all out. That's right, take them all out. The first 6 classes in the list need to go. The sniper as well. This leaves us with medic and spy.

    However, the blutsauger and the needle gun are unbalanced with eachother, as well as the bonesaw and the ubersaw; naturally, we have to take these out. So why bother even having a medic if all he does is just heal with nothing else to do?

    Cut the medic out. This leaves us with spy. However, shoddy netcode leads to backstabs not connecting every single time, even on a non-moving target while the spy is standing still as well. We should take the backstab out for this reason. The revolvers' range is too long, yet it is not as strong as the shotgun up close; remove the revolver as well.

    You think I'm done? Oh no, not quite. Disguises are quite easy to see through, so the disguise kit should be taken out. The cloak doesn't last long enough as well. You should make it last as long as the user wants. It's also quite underpowered as you can't move through enemies with it, and they can see you when you bump them. Remove these two aspects.

    This leaves the sapper and the cloak. Without engineers and without weapons, there is no unbalance. There CAN'T be unbalance. Think about it - a world without demomen, a world without underpowered spies, a place without scouts, a place without sentries, a place without snipers, a place without heavy medic combos...

    Only balance.






  2. FAC18

    Theme - Sidekicks


    Welcome to the October 2008 edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC).

    The winner of the previous month gets to choose the following month's theme. Last month's winner, bonzai, decided to go with sidekicks for this month!

    If your unfamiliar with FAC then here is a FAQ thing sorta.


    What is the Fan Art Competition?

    The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme.

    What is the theme?

    The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition and must be video game related.

    Who can submit art?


    What are my restrictions?

    You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions.

    Who decides the winner?

    OCR of course, the whole community votes on it.

    How does voting work?

    On the day after the deadline I will make a post that displays all of the art submitted. Then users will be allowed to see every entry and decide which three they like the best, in order. After which they will send me an email (vintagepointedsticks @ hotmail.com) with their vote and maybe a few comments about the contest. They must do so in the announced voting period. If not then they fail at voting.

    When and how do we see the results?

    After the voting period is over I will count the results and figure out which peice has the most points. When voting the voter sends in their top three favorite peices. The one they like the most is worth 3 points, the second 2 points and the third 1 point.

    If I enter the contest can I vote?

    Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you REALLY wanna.

    Once the points have been counted I will send a happy PM to the winner that tells them that they one and explains how they are to choose the next months theme. Once I get a PM back I will post the results and artists choice for the next months theme.

    Rules and Regulations!

    1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme.

    2) No nudity.

    3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme.

    4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.

    PM me all entries by:

    October 26th


    Vote Now!

    Number One! - Ninja-san

    Number Two! - relyanCe

    Number Three! - Gollgagh

    Number Four! - Nyuura

    Number Five! - friendlyHunter

    Number Six! - Bummerdude

    Number Seven! - bonzai

    Number Eight! - I can't remember who did number eight! Please PM me!

    Number Nine! - DarkeSword <- Bleck's personal favorite

    All votes are due by Friday, October 31st.



    First Place - Number 4, Nyuura

    Second Place - Number 7, bonzai

    Third Place - Number 1 & 6, Ninja-san and Bummerdude

    Congratulations to Nyuura! You get to choose next month's theme.

    A big thanks to all of our entrants. See you next month!


    Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -




  3. the only platformer/action game I've ever played where pushing the button three times resulted in exactly three attacks was Super Mario 64

    every other title basically ever has focused on timing more than number of button pushes; i.e if in okami I press SQUARESQUARESQUARE I'll attack once or maybe twice, but if I press SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE - only then will it actually do a three hit combo

  4. Most people don't just have their handhelds on long trips, and Nintendo isn't going to take away your DS and Lites as soon as you buy a DSi.
    you do realize that your entire argument revolves around the fact that you don't use it very much, right
    Handhelds are very useful for longer trips, NOT just 15 minutes on the bus/train, and having to bring another electronic device AND charger just to play games that, in gaming terms, JUST came out is pretty silly.

    replace the word 'zircon' with 'a great many people' basically

  5. yeah if your wrist is made of papier mache

    unless you're a toddler you pretty much expend the same amount of energy to slightly shake the controller back and forth as yo would pushing a button over and over and over again

    quite frankly, whether or not you have to waggle a stick or push a button is irrelevant - if you have to do something over and over and over than the combat itself is stale, which is an oft-ignored problem that okami had

  6. I think we're using our handhelds in different ways. I don't take mine on long trips, I use mine in between classes or after working on a project or while on break at work.

    you do realize that your entire argument revolves around the fact that you don't use it very much, right

    'people shouldn't care about the removal of the GBA slot because I haven't used it in forever'


  7. Take Super Mario Galaxy, it puts motion control to good use without using it so much that it just seems unnecessary.
    instead of just using a button to swing your weapon you had to waggle. This is what I'm talking about in regards to motion control in moderation.


    Nice job strawmanning the argument bub.

    and with this I am convinced that nobody actually knows what 'strawman' means

  8. If you're really that bugged by not having a GBA slot in a new system when hardware has been available to play GBA games for years then you're just nitpicking. Go buy a GBASP and stop bitching, seriously. It's called moving forward, not all of us have to save up our meager allowance to afford a new system.

    I'm almost positive that it's already been pointed out in this thread that a great many DS games and accessories make use of the GBA slot.

    'hey everyone buy the second Guitar Hero DS unless you have the new DS in which case haha you're fucked'

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