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  1. It's about time a 3rd album was to be released. The first 2 were just amazing, the Advent Children soundtrack was great. I can only imagine what is in store in the 3rd Black Mages entry.
  2. Video games play a large role. Calming, keeping you atuned to something, entertainment, education... I grew up with old school stuff, like the Atari, then the NES, and so on. I have been around them all my life, I cannot see myself refusing their presence. I will always enjoy video games.
  3. If it were to be used, they would use the Cell Generators to produce the DAN rich Cells, thus it would replace non-DNA cells. Or it would be applied during the conception period in order that it is applied before the cells begin to multiply. However, this wouldn't be able to be used by the individual. It would be like keeping a genetic journal. It couldn't be applied to the individual. Because the brain develops it's own. If it understood and utilized Cellular information, then the Mitochondria within every single cell would have an opposite effect because it has been proven that the Mitochondria has distinctly different DNA. That would conflict the whole procedure, and might trigger the cell into melt down in a worst case scenario.
  4. I have a rather unique request. The Saga Frontier track: Wakatu, was a very interesting tune. With a bit of sadness to it. I would like to request this specifically. In a Hard Rock fashion. Though I have a few things to request for the remix of the tune. If that's cool. http://lamda.bluelaguna.net/sfost/302%20Wakatu.mp3
  5. I was referring to 2D games in general when I said that. Of course there is more to it. It is a 128 Bit sprite engine. There is much more to it.
  6. 2D Platforming is still alive. Especially if developers produce excellent engines for the 2D games. Guilty Gear is a good example.
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