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Posts posted by SplinterOfChaos

  1. There may be nothing wrong with your page, but many of us, myself included, will not click on a link to myspace to give feedback. We're giving you feedback to help you. Be kind to us as well and respect that we prefer a proper music hosting service. We're not trying to disrespect you or your page.

    But, today, I decided to click anyway and give feedback.

    Most of the instruments could really use a quality boost, but I know that might be the best you have. You can work with low quality synths, but they sound best when played along side better synths (or at least ones that don't pretend to be real instruments), like you do later in the song. The whole orchestral beginning doesn't sound good to me until maybe 0:48. And then I stop liking it again at 0:55 when the horn comes back. It gets a little better of 1:02, when the music picks up. This is also when the song feels fuller. Up until then, it's a little empty.

    Later when it becomes more techno, it's fine. Nothing I really feel like complaining further about.

    I think having more digital elements sooner will help mask the quality of the synts.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Another MSG2 remix and it just HAPPENS to be this song. Again. Is it the only good one the composer made for the game or something? The only Kirby song I like is Gormet Race and I don't see ANY remixes of that!

    Good stuff, man. But, yeah, it's short.

    I played around with the equalizer in my audio player and found that I liked the song more when I increased the mid-range frequencies.

  3. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Why don't you two collaborate on the whole song?

    On thought: That...I don't really know what to call it, but that thing this song starts out with: the higher-range instrument rolling from high note to low; repeating...that's pretty much the trademark of this song. Us such, it's the death of creativity; required, but causes a feeling of typical-nes. Perhaps you could find a way to creatively alter the trademark in order to make your piece stand out. (I think as little as playing it backwards would do, more work might produce better results.)

    PS: Sorry for my incredible ineptitude at expressing my idea.

  4. Could use a little bit to distinguish itself from the Black Mages version.1:16 is the first moment that DIDN"T remind me of them. Everything from the drums to the riffs to the violin synths or whatever in the background.

    I basically just want to see more mixing it up. Timing, melodically, and thematically.

    Still, there's no way to sound BAD here. Not unless you decide to replace your guitars with kazoos...or should you?...

  5. I was among the seeming minority that liked the faster version than the new (until recently), slower, version. The slower and this version both feel like deconstructions of your original. Unfortunately, the former felt more reconstructed than this, which seems to of taken away much of the structure of the original and replaced with new things. It kind of reminds me of when I was doing my own remix, how getting bored with it really helped add variety and take away the bad parts.

    I think you have three very good and distinct remixes of the same song with like instrumentation.

    I wish I could give more feedback (err...did I give any?), but I thought I should at least express how I felt about your piece.

  6. I actually liked the one you did a while back that I saved it on my computer and listened to it for comparison.

    I think this is a bit of an improvement, but you didn't do much in terms of realization of the pitch changing gimmick. I kept waiting for it too happen again, and it didn't except at the end. Not a bad thing, I just got the impression you'd put it so early in the song to set it up as the theme.

    I like how you changed the piano playing in the middle of the song. It was neat, but in small areas, for only one or two notes, it didn't work as well as the original note would have.

    Really good work, though. Good luck.

  7. I think this track is made of general awesomeness. The drum work in the beginning, the use of organ at 0:34, the simplistic rock sound after the intro, and the background, which is a little hard to hear.

    That said, I don't like the main guitar. It's too...overpowering?

    Despite the song being about the same length as the original, it somehow feels short.

    Good luck with this one.

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