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Posts posted by PhrygianFingers

  1. Two main ones stick out in my mind.

    First, I remember playing Pilotwings 64 on a cold Saturday morning the Christmas after I got my N64. I was so excited that I got to miss my piano lesson because weather was really bad (we were getting about 2-3" an hour and it was whiteout conditions). I was playing on Everfrost island where you needed to get through all the rings on the gyrocopter. It was snowing as hard in game as it was outside; I thought that was pretty awesome. Man, I wish they remade that game.

    Also, I clearly remember having the hardest time beating Exor from Super Mario RPG (yeah, I was a noob gamer, whatcha gonna do). When I finally beat him, I was pumped. My mom kept calling me down right after because it was time for church. I couldn't savor the moment for all that long.

  2. http://phrygian.escariot.net/music/so%20fresh%20snap!%20v3.0.mp3

    Hey everyone.

    I have been working on this piece for several months now, just giving it a few minutes here or there. It's a fun little dance type song made with FLStudio and Rob Papens Predator with some basic drum sounds.

    Would like to get some feedback on this. This is my 3rd revision on the song and hope to do another one or two before really finalizing it. Any comments/critiques are appreciated!

    Also, suggestions for a new title would be appreciated. I watched some of the Fensler Film parodies of GI Joe right before I made the first revision. I'd like to part with this name though its brings some lulz to people who know the parodies :D

  3. To be honest, this mix was like a "hey, lets record traverse town in minor." "okay." We weren't really thinking too much about all the details, we wanted to get something scratch down. Our next version will probably eliminate most errors, have the ordainment, and definitely have those clicks out.

    Triplets sound good, I can agree with that. When I play piano in the next version, i'll try to include these things.

  4. eh - you're missing the point. i still get a dvd drive for less than half of what it costs normally to get one...and now that hd dvd's are dead, they sell on ebay for cheaper than normal dvds.

    sounds good to me.

    Good point, I over looked that. From a price point, thats a good buy but I always try to futureproof my parts as best as I can and buying something that is already dead technology would seem a bit pointless, even if it is cheap.

  5. Anything by Rush seems to work really well, I've tried Subdivisions, Tom Sawyer, and YYZ; they are all pretty sweet.

    Also, I usually play Mono mode but techno songs like Sandstorm get way more "available" points in Mono versus other songs, does anyone know how the "traffic congestion" is calculated?

  6. Thanks again to everyone for their help :)

    When I recorded this, it was kinda a one-take deal and then we fixed a few notes in Reason. I think for take two, we'll do several takes, see what we like from each, re-record it and go from there.

    I think I might go down the road of adding strings for version 2.0. Probably won't be until the summer but I'll fool around with it for the time being.

  7. @ Rozovian: I agree, it needs a hook. When I was done with this, I felt that the piano I played was really lackluster. Nothing special, just a background. Maybe a hook is necessary, I tried adding some strings but I felt it was a bit over the top.

    @ Darklink42: Glad you enjoyed it :D, I agree with you 100%, like I said with Rozovian, it needs something else, what that is, I don't know. I'll probably start fooling around with chords and alot of other stuff. It's kinda cool actually, I'm going to be playing this at prophet's senior recital, maybe I can get some newly inspired ideas before then!

    I wanted to call this "The Slums of Traverse" because it sticks in minor the entire time but I wanted to give it more of a desolate feel, wanted to add some sound effects but the sounded really tacky. Don't really know about how to go about doing this, maybe I'll start small and work my way up.

    Thanks for the suggestions so far!

  8. Hey everyone,

    My friend and I recorded this some time ago. I am playing the piano (used Reason 3.0, put a few basic effects, some reverb, just kept it simple), my friend, who on OCR is the prophet of mephisto, is playing sax.

    I really like what we did here but it seems like it is missing something. I would like to develop this a little bit more with the theme, maybe have a key change in there, I'm not completely sure. Just something to give it a bit more flare.

    I'm open for suggestions, what do you think?


  9. In regards to the slow frame time, it really all depends. On the same protein, i've had it fluctuate between 2 minutes a frame and 8 minutes a frame. I would assume 8 minutes a frame because something I'm compiling or running multiple processor intense programs at once. Overall though, once you are about an hour (maybe even 20-30 minutes) in, you have a general feel for when the WU will be done.

  10. Hello to all,

    First time member, long time lurker. I finally got on because I really want to start to be an active member of the remixing community (as well as prepare myself a little bit for my music minor next semester). I've been playing the boards for 15 years now, percussionist for 10 (if anyone need any help or suggestions, just PM me).

    Want to thank everyone active in the community for keeping this site up!

  11. I am friends with prophet (I live within 10 minutes of him) and he does solid work, the rig he is using now is pretty sweet. He has helped me out a lot on many occasions.

    I actually custom built a liquid-cooled rig, nice frosty temperatures, it runs like a dream. If anyone has any questions about liquid-cooling or building a computer in general, feel free to PM me.

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