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  • Real Name
  • Location
    Opelika, Alabama


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  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Hi there! I'm currently looking to collaborate with a female vocalist for a song with industrial elements. Here is a bit from the track that's still a work in progress: https://instaud.io/4jv Ideally, I would love the vocals to sound similar to :18 of THIS song: http://youtu.be/kStB53mRmMM With that said, I'm more than happy to hear your ideas and work together. You'll also be paid for your time and efforts. If you're interested, please feel free to comment or shoot me a message. Thank you!
  2. Hey, everyone! Here's the trailer theme for the game Beyond-Human whose Kickstarter just went live! Would love to know what you guys think of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dQEiGB249I
  3. Hey, Adam! I actually chuckled at this because someone had commented on the youtube video "This reminds me of Shoot 'Em Up Movies!". I originally thought he was referring to actual movies with lots of gunfire and bad guys, so I was a little confused. I found out about the actual song and loved it! I wasn't inspired by this track in particular, but the style and vibe is an inspiration of mine as a whole. Karmotrine Dream was more of a Shin Megami Tensei inspiration/tribute track.
  4. Thank you!
  5. Hi all! Here is a soundtrack for the game VA-11 HALL-A that was released today. The game itself is a bit of a tribute to cyberpunk and classic 80s anime. With the soundtrack, I worked on blending different influences such as the music from old school sci-fi anime, ps1 era music, and 80s vibes. Hope you enjoy! http://garoad.bandcamp.com/album/va-11-hall-a-prologue-ost-sounds-from-the-future
  6. Good job on both of these. I love how the bass really compliments the percussion from the one in Cowboy Bebop. Great compliment to the sample. The pitch of the piano melody/sample doesn't fit quite so much (In my opinion, anyway). I agree with G-Mixer, add some more original stuff and flair to it. Keep it up!
  7. I agree with Slimy. This was a real treat to listen to, and I think it's terrific. Keep up the great work!
  8. Hello! I just wrapped up a looping boss battle theme that I wanted to share with you guys. Hope you enjoy! Youtube - http://youtu.be/xeWSyGJQ9nI Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/the-darkness-approaches
  9. Personally, I've never tried FL Studio, but I've heard nothing but great things about it. I say go for it! Having a DAW you're comfortable with makes the whole process smoother and more enjoyable. Let me know how it works out for you!
  10. Thanks for the kind words! I'm probably not the best example as far as workflow goes. The majority of it stems from noodling around and playing with different things until something sounds good and going from there. I use Cubase as my primary DAW (Sometimes I dive into a little Reason 4/Record duo). Nexus, Omnisphere, and Zebra tend to be my go-to plugins.
  11. Recently wrapped up a new song that I'd like to share. Hope you enjoy! As always, feedback and tips are more than welcome! Youtube: http://youtu.be/T0cRG7rDYXA Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/escape-from-research-lab
  12. Hey thanks for the feedback, Emblem! Glad you like it, and I love the tip of adding a bit of a jazzy piano solo for Neon district. I'll play around and see what I come up with.
  13. Hi everyone! Here are a couple of tracks I recently finished up for a cyberpunk influenced game called 'VA-11 HALL-A'. I'm working on pulling off the old school PSX and anime cyberpunk vibe for this project. Just looking to see what you think and for constructive feedback. Hope you enjoy! Youtube: Neon District - http://youtu.be/5qJLTsmhS6I Dusk - http://youtu.be/5qJLTsmhS6I Soundcloud: Neon District - https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/neon-district Dusk - https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/dusk
  14. Hello, everyone! Here's a track I recently finished up. Any feedback is welcome. Hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glW2osBAwGQ
  15. Thank you for the kind words! I still don't think I've found my particular 'sound' just yet. I've been all over the grid just experimenting and finding what I enjoy. I'm completely open to any feedback anyone might have, so feel free to share!
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