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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. A game in which no one played, but has some of the best music around is called Knights in the Nightmare, by developer STiNG. It's also hands-down one of the best games on the DS I have played, period.

    It has a lot of great tracks...

    Well, in fact, the entire soundtrack (which comes with the game, cool!) is one great track after another.The boss fights are pretty phenomenal.

    If I had to pick three to choose from, they'd be:

    But there are SO many more tracks that are good in that game... Live for Revenge, Lord of Oblivion, any of the Angel songs, The Faithful One...

    Really, it's like the game had one stellar track after another...


  2. I have only been able to download the three songs posted on the site (my college does not let me use torrents or they'll shut off my internet...:?)... So I'll have to wait until I get home to get the full listing.

    However, from what I HAVE listened to, and what i have listened to on this site, I'll say this right now:

    These are probably the best CV remixes I have heard to come from OCremix, counting everything else that has been made here.

    Full of energy, and i love the jazzy-rock textures, along with the great use of percussive/jazz organs (gotta love them), these are really sights to behold (or is that sounds to be-hear???). Admirable job on them, and this definitely makes my "listen to often" selection from OCremix.

  3. All I'd like to do is to encourage you folks, because not only you are remixing one of my all-time favorite games (and the first game I've ever owned), but I am so excited to see songs remixed that are not just Tal Tal Heights and Ballad of the Windfish. There are so many tracks in LA that get overlooked in favor of these two (great) tracks, but the prospect of hearing a remix of Face Shrine? Or a remix of Eagle Tower?

    I am abuzz with anticipation.

    Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay Gold.

  4. A remix of Septette for the Dead Princess (perhaps in the style of Pavane for the Dead Princess? Oh ho ho, I'm so clever) would be something that would be pretty cool, in my eyes.

    Metal remixes of said song fall flat on their asses.

    UN Owen is a bit too overused, in my eyes. Gotta find the hidden gems. If there are such things in the Touhou series.

  5. Hello, OCR. I know I just joined, and I really hope it's not presumptuous of me to push any type of music of mine down your throats, but I am just posting this here to get some feedback, and maybe some tips on how to improve myself when I go on to attempt some VG stuff.

    I don't want this to sound like self-advertisement, so I hope it doesn't sound too needy.

    Anyhoo, I didn't want to join this community without something under my belt in terms of music production, so I have myself a last.fm:


    And on this last.fm, I tried my hand at making CUSTOM video-game INSPIRED tracks (not remixes, mind you. My own stuff):

    Nowhere to Go but Forward


    Cheesy album art by me. I kinda wanted the whole album to have a lot of cheese to it.

    It's all free, by the way. I don't deserve to charge.

    Now, talking to a few pals here and there, the tracks they like most are:

    Inconstant Madness

    The Greatest Magician in the World

    Organ Grinder (especially; people seem to love this)

    And I use Fruity Loops with a SHIT-load of free samples (mostly stuff I found on the great Darkesword's website, ha ha).

    Again, I ask (if only for those three tracks; listen to the others at your discretion, heh) for any advice, not only in terms of composition, but what i am most in need of help in, EQing and mastering. So much help, that I don't even know what EQing means!

    If this is ignored, I'm fine with that, but I just also wanted to show (as I said earlier) that I don't want to be just some kid with the FL demo churning out a crappy loop-filled attempt at trance (nothing against trance).

    I also hope it is not against the rules to post this topic. The rules for each section are all kinda spread out, so it's hard for a new-timer to keep track. Sorry if this is not kosher.

  6. I can tell you of many many many many examples that fit the bill.

    I am a bit of a classical music buff, from Bach to Boulez.

    That latter sounds pretty crazy if you're not used to modern music.

    But instead, I'll showcase a song by one of the best composers of the 20th century: the guy in my sig. All of his music rocks, hands down:

    He doesn't so much as skirt the rules as much as take every single rule there is, looks at them, throws most of them out the window, and then keeps the ones he likes and makes beautiful music from it.

    I hope someone listens and enjoys the piece. It's hauntingly amazing.

  7. Hello everyone. I'm new here on the forums, but I have been visiting for about 5 years now.

    I always said that if I got means, I'd join the OCremix, since I love games and I love music.

    Subsequently, I kinda like game music. Go figure.

    I got Fruity Loops a while back sometime in May, so I finally have the means to make music. Whether that music is good or not.. well.....

    In any event, a small history:

    I've played the piano for 10+ years, and the trumpet for 9, am considering a double-major in music theory (I am a history major now), and I am a big aficionado of modern classical music, ie, stuff that no one likes to listen to (Schoenberg, Ligeti, Boulez, etc). A small dream of mine (something of a joke) is to do a total serialist rendition of the Zelda theme. How would that work out? I still have to figure that one out.

    My favorite game series are pretty typical... I like Zelda, and Final Fantasy, and Fire Emblem, etc. My all time favorite series would have to be Metroid. In fact, I signed up on this forum under the name "Emperor Ing" a good 2 years ago. However, I never received an activation email, and despite emailing a few folks, I got nothing. That's in the past, and I'm fine, since this is the name of my music-making persona across the web.

    Hopefully, you won't think me TOO much of a noob. Amateur, definitely. But noob? That's harsh.

    Here is a sample of something I made for an album a while back (totally free of course):


    I like to cover a bevy of styles, but if I get myself a really good free (lol) orchestral set of samples, I want to focus primarily on orchestral arrangements. I already have a few Metroid NES ones lined up in my head, so....

    Well, I also joined because musically, I've been in a rut, and maybe being amongst other musicians might help me break out. I loves the OCR, and I hope to become a somewhat active member here!

    Sorry for the long read.

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