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Everything posted by Grayburg

  1. Every single time while working in the Mixer, I always run into a point where if I play my song, it'll clip like hell. My CPU isn't bad, AMD 6000+ 3.0GHz. It's not the new silly quad-core quality, but it destroys every video game around. lolol I can't get the basic eq, compression and reverb onto all of the instruments before it starts sounding like trash. I do send some channels to the same effect channel to try to save on how many plugins I load. It's not very many, of course, only like.. reverb and a bit of compression. I could imagine you guys would have loads of more plugins used, too. How do you manage? I've been exporting, which means I go eat for an hour, come back, listen, make a small edit, export, eat for an hour, asdfasdf
  2. Source: Mp3: link It's pretty short (basically ~two sections), and only one relates to the source. I know the guitar synth sounds terrible. Not just that, but it also hides behind every other instrument. I didn't cut the mids or anything (or did I?), so I don't think it should be getting drowned out. Critiques, please. I always read them, btw.
  3. Download Probably the best thing I've done so far. Comments and criticisms, please. Let me know if I over did the humanizing.
  4. with eq: link without eq: link I've been working on my sound quality, and I'm pretty sure I did this 'correctly' so far. To me, though, they just sound like two different versions, not one that's better than the other. I don't mind how some of the instruments sound in the 'without eq' version. Like.. the gated synth's bubbly sound mixed with the bass is nice. I probably should've left the string ensemble with the higher ranges, since I like how the non eq one sounds better. The attack of the clap in its full range sounds good, too. Do I have bad taste or what? Oh, also.. Some of the instruments, if I did try to cut room for it even more, it'd change the sound even farther from what I like. Such as.. the kick and bass still share a ton of the 0-200hz space together, because cutting out the very bottom of the bass/kick makes it sound so.. awkward. Same with the 100-200ish range. Hats shouldn't be at super high frequencies, right? Because that sound could be so painful to listen to. I'm not too sure where snares/claps are supposed to sit. It's mostly like.. high midish right now, but still really broadly spread. The lead instruments shouldn't be having very much low-mid, but without that area, it sounds so nasily. Pianos sound pretty odd when they're boosted at high frequencies, too. I'm still doing something wrong with the eq'd version, too. It doesn't sound as good as other people's. Anything general I'm just not getting?
  5. Game: Elona Source: orc02 Remix: orchestra 2 Production and arrangement critique, yeah, but I have questions about the original. Looking at the string chords and melody, it's in E Phrygian. The chords are II > I > repeat to infinity. Is it okay for it to do that? Isn't that supposed to be boring? The melody starts off on E, and the first chord is II, an F. It still sounds perfectly fine. Why does it still sound okay? The song in general sounds very emotional, epic, etc. What's giving it that sound? Is it the E Phrygian, brilliant writing, or what? What does Phrygian do for the song, anyway? Why is it not in major or minor?
  6. I've got some program, Realtek HD Audio Manager, that can apply EQ to every sound my computer makes. It makes everything sound unbelievably clear with a rock preset (boosted lows and highs, cut mids). People won't be hearing that, of course, so I turn it off and try to apply it to my work. I tried mimicking the numbers into the EQ plugin I normally use, FL Parametric EQ 2, but the results still sound nowhere near as good. Turning back on the EQ from the Realtek program still makes the mix sound even better with the extra FL EQing. The EQ on individual instruments are how I like them with or without the Realtek EQ, so they're okay. If you have a Realtek soundcard, you Must use this program. It's like tacking on &fmt=18 to your whole computer.
  7. source: link: http://ifile.it/hxmk4nq The lead melodies weren't changed. I think the original song is in Lydian mode, and I'm not sure if I'm arranging by that correctly. Let me know if I'm doing it wrong. lol Hope there's nothing offensively bad.
  8. you could do the standard options volume fade in anything.. placing in drums one at a time, like first kick > hat > snare, or whatever order/istrument. layering, i think, is the term. you could start the layering after a rep or so of that piano melody playing. or maybe somewhere in the middle?
  9. lol Silly FL.. All right, thanks.
  10. I accidentally clicked on 'Create automation clip' in right click > Tempo. I've never used automation clips in any of my projects so far, so I have no idea what happened. It looked like it made a new pattern and channel. I tried deleting the pattern and channel to get rid of it, but when I try to change my tempo to something else, if I play the song again, it'll reset back to the 140 bpm. How do I completely get rid of this tempo automation? the flp: http://ifile.it/9qi0yvo
  11. link: http://ifile.it/uyv0c4k source: I'm pretty much done, I think. I just wanted to let you guys hear and critique.
  12. ^ Halfway in, behind the standard gated synth, there's on in the back playing the left hand piano part. At 1:55, it plays the main melody. It's there, just not really in the first half. It's pretty tight, I say.
  13. midi - http://ifile.it/zutbmfp mp3 - http://ifile.it/8n9uhr4 Okay, I read part of a music theory book (complete idiot's), skimmed/skipped the sheet music notation stuff, transposing charts.. etc, since I really don't think I'll ever have to do those. I've just been using FL8 and plan to only have to use that. Piano roll (ez mode) ftw? I think I understand the important stuff, though, so I've been trying to create the most generic, standard possible stuff to understand the basics. The song's in C Major, simple as possible, lol. So, I started off trying to make a chord progression. I think I understand the flow a chord "should follow". I > iii > ii > vi > I > iii > ii > V; I think they all follow the "should follow" chart, except for the ii > vi, which I thought was fine just because it sounded all right. I am understanding it, right? I translated the chart into one without the roman numerals and capitalization because I don't get what they serve, really. I get that they're major, minor, etc, but I don't get where they got the stuff like: 4 goes into 1, 3, 5, 7 naturally, but 5, also a major chord, only naturally goes to 1. etc.. but I do guess I understand that I could make a random progression just looking at the chart and picking random options. Anyways, I then tried to make a melody to that with a pentatonic scale (or at least I hope it is), which is played by the organ. Added a random quick arp played by the koto. Standard drums, too. Needed another section, so I was lazy and just used the same progression stretched 2x. I read about this call-and-response thing two melodies can do, so I tried to do that with a simple one, wind instru clarinet, with a more complex(lol) one, the guitar. The guitar gets to its catchy part when the clarinet plays a long note.. That is an example of it, right? The intro's just random long notes + slower drums. The mp3 doesn't have the intro melody anymore. The bass writing.. I read a bit, and using only the root of the chord is supposed to be OLD. When I tried to add some other notes like the 3rd, 5th or 7th, the melody sounds too 'happy' and 'high'. Also, the soundfont i was using for the bass guitar only has like, one octave of the same sound type playing, so if I move it down an octave, goes into the different sound.. and in its normal form has the happy uppity sound. It's scary moving away from pure roots. Help? The solo (bar 73-80).. That IS how one is supposed to be lead into and out of, right? Tips on solo writing? The first 4 bars of it sounded like random garbage, but the second part sounded kind of sexy, like it actually was a melody. I like it a lot. Solos are supposed to be flashy, but what i've been creating are notes more random than my normal melodies. No ending. Lazy, and kind of scared of figuring out how to. Off-topic Q.. I don't know of any good midi sequencers. Back when I was a youngin', I used my friend's Voyetra Orchestra MIDI, but I'm pretty sure it's discontinued now, or something. I remember it looking simple and built for function. I downloaded Anvil Studios to quickly edit the midi for uploading, but I don't even understand how to change the notes I had in my cymbal track. It defaulted to some hideous vibraslap sound, but, somehow, the other drum tracks were changed to their correct drum notes. So, sup?
  14. Short clip - http://ifile.it/qvlzn8i The synth comes in after the kick. I have a feeling it has to do with overdrive/distortion, right? I've tried to use FL8's Fruity Blood Overdrive, but the result was atrocious.
  15. I have a keyboard and I want to use it on the computer. I thought I'd just need the Line In/Out connection to use it, so I went out and bought one. That just makes my computer recieve the sound information, instead of the actual key press information, right? I think I need to connect my keyboard using a MIDI cable, so I went out and bought one. I didn't bother to check if my computer had a MIDI cable port, which it doesn't. So, I'll have to buy a sound card that has a MIDI port, right? I've been using the one that came with my computer which is Realtek HD audio, or something, which has sounded fine with me. I checked the local Best Buy earlier, they didn't have any sound cards with MIDI ports. zz Suggestions? Willing to spend like.. ~$50.
  16. Okay, moved the original second half to the first half, and made a new second half. A solo's out of my abilities right now, so I just went with random additions to the main part. lol Changed a few velocities and some general volume levels. Also switched one of the background instruments. http://ifile.it/b9kv0gt
  17. Okay, source link provided, which will disappoint you. I thought the bass sounded pretty.. funky? stylish, I don't know how to say it, but it was too quiet. I raise it up a bit, along with the kick. The piano's a FL Keys preset, so I could change to a soundfont, or something, but I thought I had a really good piano sound. I really like it, too. The clicking on the low parts.. I'm pretty sure it's a delay effect I stuck onto the piano. Is it not a good thing? I thought it was. I do have a pad running, but I guess it's also too quiet. I'll make it more noticeable. Okay.. to the main problem. Arrangement. I'm not even able to create a random background, it's actually the original background. That 1:37+ arpeggio (pretty sure that's what it is) is the most advanced thing I've done. Ever. I used to use a synth preset that did even that for me. I have no musical knowledge. So, I'm lost when it comes to trying to compose my own intro, ending or, the scariest, a solo. I think I have an idea about how to approach it, though. The way that 1:37 was done, I took the original pad's chords and just played them. A solo would basically be that, plus a couple more octaves of those same notes, right? Right approach? or is not knowing music not going to cut it for OCR? I really do feel like getting this accepted.
  18. Okay, I think I've definitely gotten better. This sounds miles ahead of the shit I've been posting up till now. I'm pretty proud of this one. :3 I think the sound quality is OCR-worthy, but the arrangement probably still isn't. I did do a bit with the second half of the song, though. I don't know how to do the intro or ending, either, if it still needs work. source: v1 http://ifile.it/mopswcy v2 http://ifile.it/b9kv0gt
  19. From the N64 Mystical Ninja It's a breakbeat-style mix. gourmet v2.mp3
  20. You mean that picture link doesn't work? http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/pxbl/Grayburg---Dearly-Beloved
  21. I think it's overall a nice sound. What do I work on from here? or http://mihd.net/arq1zot
  22. Some of RM2K's rtp music wasn't bad at all. This one was one of the better sounding ones. Source: http://mihd.net/36u478e The remix sticks very close to the original.
  23. The instruments sound generic because.. they are. Everything's basically FL Studio's default stuff. Haven't really learned how to use external stuff yet. :3 I don't know what "dry" means, but I think the drum beat is pretty tight. It is pretty boring after being pasted throughout, though.
  24. Most of the song is straight from the original, except for the transitions and drumbeat. I consider it finished, but I'm a newbie, so I wouldn't know. stream http://www.mybloop.com/Grayburg/Grayburg_-_Someday_the_Dream_Will_End.mp3 dl http://willhostforfood.com/dl.php?fileid=21685
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