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Everything posted by rmondello

  1. @RealFolkBlues: Windows Media Player will work fine. Just set the script to download to a folder and then import that folder's contents into WMP. SuperSlacker was exactly right. I'm not sure if Windows Media Player can watch folders to automatically add tracks from a certain directory. I haven't used WMP in years. @chroxic: Good luck! @KyleJCrb: I haven't seen that error before! Is there any other information you can give me? What version of Ruby are you using, for instance?
  2. Hi everyone! It's been a few years since I've been to the forum. In my absence, I went through four years of college, learned to program, and adopted the philosophy automating anything I do frequently that takes time out of my day. With that goal in mind, I wrote a small script to keep my iTunes library up-to-date with the latest remixes from ocremix.org. I put it on github, along with some instructions for setting it up to run automatically once a day. It can download every remix featured on the front page, or just a subset of tracks (e.g. those matching Sonic or Zelda). It can download to an arbitrary directory, or automatically add the tracks to your iTunes library, if you'd like. I figured if anyone would find this useful, it'd be the people on this forum. If you'd like, feel free to fork it and add features; I'll be happy to merge them into the project. Take care! https://github.com/rmondello/OverClocked-ReMix-Downloader
  3. For the love of all that is good you owe it to yourself to download the higher quality version of this song. It's amazing.
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