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  1. He was simply wearing a white shirt with the image of the cover of the VoTL CD printed on the front and back. It was distinctly a guitar with FFVII; I'm sure of it because I was standing right behind the kid. It seemed odd that Nobuo would point out such a thing and praise his own work, so it sparked my interest and I googled it. It could have easily been homemade and was meant to be signed by Nobuo but unfortunately he didn't sign any of the stuff people brought. The posters are pretty cool though. He was very down to earth and was poking fun at himself and the band. I've only been in Japan for about 6 months so my Japanese is far from perfect, but we shook the hands of the band members and exchanged a few words. It was starting to rain and we were on the rooftop so we didn't stick around long. Edit: Okay I searched the distant worlds art stuff and can confirm it looked nothing at all like the dude's shirt. Sorry I don't have much more info, didn't occur to me at the time We were told not to take any pictures, though I snuck one of them all sitting there doing a QandA session. Pic of the poster is here Nobuo's signature is the (silver one) in kanji on the bottom left.
  2. Hey all, new to the site and I thought I'd share about my experience the other day, since it seems relevant to this post and site. I had a chance to meet Nobuo a few days ago at a promotional event for the Black Mages' album at Tower Records here in Shibuya (Tokyo). I had a brief conversation with him and everyone in attendance received posters signed by the band. I actually had no idea what Voices of the Lifestream was until that day when I saw a Japanese dude wearing a shirt about the Voices project there. Nobuo pointed to the guy's shirt in the crowd and made a comment about the Voices project being great. I don't know if anyone from the project has spoken with him about it, but I thought it would be nice to know that everyone's work is respected by the man himself Soo great job guys, amazing work and a great site, can't believe I didn't know of it until recently.
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