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Everything posted by Avolii

  1. Sweet hell yeah!! Makes me want to get some Teddy Grahams and pretend they're peasants.....lol. Another fighting game to revisit- War Gods. When I ran an arcade, a friend and I wasted HOURS trying to beat that damned game on freeplay. It was toned down a lot for console release. @ Vagrance - A proper S.F. Rush would be bad ass. That's another arcade time killer.
  2. I wouldn't mind seeing the Shadowrun from the Snes days. There was always something about it that blew my mind. Never beat it though......
  3. Wish I had thought of that crap shoot lol. I do agree though that some aspects of the Turtles need dropped or tweaked. As for this game......won't hold my breathe. I do miss the side scrollers though. TMNT The Arcade game still rocks. Only game that I had Game Genie codes memorized. Also, my local Chuck E Cheese still have it there. Great times hahaha
  4. Couldn't agree more. I was always jaded I only had the first two, then I got the third one... There was far more wrong then with how they looked. Some were already mentioned here, but I want to add in Jack Frost. That movie grated me badly.
  5. I like to think of it this way. Its like opening a bottle of Pepsi or Dr.Pepper.... ....and tasting the New Coke formula.
  6. To me, the graphical detail needs stepped up on the characters. It's still early yet, so that's a plus. I'm really hoping though we don't get the animation that is the Clone Wars. That just looks like crap. Jedi and Sith from the beginning? Not too great of an idea, but then again it is Bioware. I've already heard the term iconic and StarWarsy being tossed around. After SWG, those are the worst things you can say to someone about SW. From what I also understand, they're setting up some high expectations. The plan is to be able to solo most of the game? Hmmm..... Every single class has different quests? Hmmm.... As more comes out, we'll see how the general public takes it. Myself, I'll jump right in when I can (beta or launch), and just judge from there.
  7. Star Wars Galaxies. Didn't suck in the beginning, but got progressively worse as time went on. Not even sure what state it is in now after the last 'revamp'. As for MMOKOTOR, well, that's going to be one wait and see. I've read some info on it, seen some screenshots, and thus far, just not too impressed. Don't get me wrong, I'll be right there picking it up on launch if all goes well. Until then, I'll be on the SWG EMU that's around.
  8. No Double Dragon love? Oh, the twins will see you suffer.
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