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Posts posted by MaCe

  1. I've been playing keyboards for about 14-15 years or so (self-taught). I'm really gonna start working on my piano technique this year! Check out www.jazzpianolessons.com for a few tips, I'm sure it'll be very useful to beginners. You can always use youtube and just type in piano chords/tips/scales and see if you can glean anything - again, for beginners it's great. I wish youtube was around when I first started playing, I'd be a hell of a lot better than I am now lol.

    thnx for tip

  2. I learned to play violin in music elementary school,i was there about 7-8 years than i quit (i am very sorry now for doing it but at the time i wasn't very interested) now i started to play after long pause i am a bit rusty but i have a will to be better at this so i will give it another try,anyway i learned notes as i played and i got interested in composing and remixing and here i am now.Now i am self tutoring myself violin and i am starting piano....

  3. some microphones you can buy that attach to the bridge and work by picking up vibrations, or somthing like that. Dont know how much those are used...

    yes i heard something about that are they better than regular or more expensive?

  4. I am 17 and lately dont use wii very much i play Okami about 1 hour,and mario kart(1-2) (i love this game online) and i put a GC smash bros i must wait till Europe release....:| but overall lately i don use wii much wich makes me little sad ,i expected a load of fun games,how now things move up only nintendo and maybe capcom deliver fun games....

  5. most games these days lack either style or a tune, oke orchestral music is beautifull but it fails when it lacks a catchy tune that is repeated over the course of the game in different styles and speeds.

    like Assassins creed had no memoralbe tune but Jesper Kyd mixed Electronica sounds perfectly with Orchestra and a Arabian/Saracen Twist.

    i agree same thing with gears of war great orchestra melodies but not catchy then again the music in that kind of games is not made to be catchy i think it is more made to blend in with the game,maybe that isn't a bad thing for that type of games....

  6. Gears Of War: Marcus and Baird's having a fight

    Cole: "Ahh, ain't that cute"

    Dom: "Yeah, like two assholes on their first date"

    Mario Hotel quote:All toaster toast toast

    Monkey Island (legendary game)

    Guybrush Threepwood: How can you see without eyeballs?

    Murray: How can you walk around without a brain? Some things no one can answer.

    Guybrush: “At least I’ve learnt something from all of this.”

    Elaine: “What’s that?”

    Guybrush: “Never pay more than 20 bucks for a game

    Guybrush: “Then, if you kill me everyone will forget you.”

    LeChuck: “Forget me? I’m the dead zombie pirate LeChuck! None will forget me!”

    Guybrush: “Do you remember Bobbin Threadbare?”

    LeChuck: “Er… no.”

    Guybrush: “Exactly.

    “Look behind you, a Three-Headed Monkey!”

    Guybrush: If I gave you your arm back, what would you do with it?

    Murray: I’d terrorize the South Seas! I’d torture the living! I’d demolish the…er… What I meant to say was, I’d use it to pet kittens.

    Guybrush: Nope. You blew it.

    Murray: Drat.\

    I've got balls of steel - Duke Nukem

    Snake:Colonel this is snake ,can you hear me?

    super/ paper mario

    Thank you Mario, but the princess is in another castle

    "Some men dance on dance floors...some men dance in celebration...some men dance on turtles heads. I AM THAT MAN!"

    resident evil

    "I see that the President has equipped his daughter with ballistics, too."

    star fox (i always laugh when i hear this one:lmassoff:)

    "Do a barrel roll"




    I am;

    The Great Mighty Poo;

    And I'm going to throw;

    My shit at you;

    A huge supply of tish;

    Comes from my chocolate starfish;

    How about some scat;

    You little twat."

    "Your movements are like that of a pregnant cow!"

    -Random bandit in oblivion

    man i could go on till tomorrow

  7. ok i am probably only one who is disappointed by this game ,it is not bad but to me it is simply boring, i dont know i just have a felling i have seen it all as i play i usually love this kind of games,(zelda,onimusha....)but i dont find this game so engaging as for example when i played wind waker which is very similar to okami both in gameplay but in graphical style too,wind waker is a bit more cartoonish but i kinda liked it more,okami has some nice effects and artistic approach but i dont really like to see in game big (like a tree or a big grass) 2D sprite rotating with you when turning a camera ,most people dont notice this things i shouldn't too aether but i am used to look every detail in games,it has bright moments like painting with a brush,but that kinda just replaces swinging a sword,not a bad idea although i expected more in terms of gameplay itself,i am going to finish it it is a good game with some unique features good sountrack and some memorable characters but i expected more....

  8. i say play all 3 systems for yourself and see which you like like most


    wii is awful and ps3 and 360 are on par with each other but 360 has better controller and better online and better load times

    hmm i dont know why you say wii is afwul but that is your opinion i suppose ,any way :?

    wii is to me best console because:although not as powerful as the x360 and ps3,it is much more fun to play than those 2 systems,i say that because i play games for long time now and i actually lost my interest in those kind of games,what i mean is microsoft and sony focused primarily on hardware ,specially sony who is selling their cell processors and blue-ray drives actually forcing the players to buy it even if it isn't necessary,in other words console is more expensive and it isn't stronger in performance than x360 who is build up for games,so sony is using their brand to push blue-ray on the market telling how the console is not just for games and stuff like that,wii IS focused on games and one of the reasons i love nintendo is their product quality,games are always fun to play have a very good design and artistic approach and run very smoothly,there is no bugs terrible frame rates and other "technical problems" that are very present on other consoles (this is referring to exclusives).

    Any way to me a PC is first (online games hardcore games) wii is second X360 is a better gaming machine in my opinion, and third is ps3 who hasn't got to me any interesting games that i cant find on x360 and PC.

  9. A am interested in this part because i am not very good at it,i create a song but i am having difficulties combining it with a main melody,or vice versa, so is there some guidelines when doing rhythm because i could really use some help with this one...i don't really know with what to begin with :a rhythm or a main melody,are there some rules(guidelines) what to do first?

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