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Posts posted by Tarnish

  1. Yep, some random works of mine that I thought I'd share.

    These are songs that I intended for a Sonic fan game I'm involved with (hence the use of the Genesis soundfont), but since it's apparently not going anywhere anytime soon, they would just sit on my harddrive which is pointless, so I'm sharing them for ppl who are bored.


    This one is a remake of the Sonic Heroes main theme tune:


    I always thought it would make a good invincibility tune for some reason, so I gave a shot at it. Tweaked it a little here and there, added a bit crazy drum line and there you go.


    This is a remake of Turrican 2's 'The Wall' tune (well, part of it):


    The original aim was to make it sound like a factory themed Sonic stage tune. But to me it sounded more like a cave/underground mine song, so I changed my aim for that. Strong, dominant bass, some ambient instruments to give it a bit creepy feeling, and I tried to let loose with the drums/percussion. Oh and echo effect to really give it an underground feeling.

  2. Yay, an update.


    Tried to personalise it some more...nothing else that's worth mentioning.

    EDIT: This is the final version cuz I don't want to work on it anymore and because ppl are obviously not interested in this remix at all. If you find it unfinished, then sry but I'm not gonna work on it anymore.

  3. If this analogy isn't clear to you I could give an example of a remix on the site which exemplifies it. Most of them to more or less extent embody it.

    I understand the analogy, just freaking hard to match to it as it usually turns out either too liberal or too close to the source..freaking impossible to tell what's good enough for you guys.

  4. Okay, done with the writing, more or less, so here's a sort of 'final' version regarding composition.

    Toward the end it's maybe a little rushed but I just don't want to work on it anymore..at least for now..it's starting to give me a headache. So finished with the writing, mixing is next.

    Anyway, tell me what you think. :smile:

  5. Well, here's another update:


    I only concentrated on the composition/writing so I'm aware that the mixing is still very rough and things sound very robotic/inhuman.

    Verse 2 is now more or less complete tho I admit there are still 1-2 short parts I couldn't exactly get to sound how I wanted to. =/ But anyway I hope it doesn't sound so repetitive anymore now and sounds more like a remix than a rearrangement.

  6. Mmkay, this is definitely getting there, a marked improvement over the last WIP I heard on this.

    I like the idea of adding in a flute part, but your sequencing of said-flute is really robotic and doesn't have the same articulation or human touch that you'd expect from a pan flute. Work on adding in some creative velocities and pitch bends to give it an authentic sound :-)

    I think the bass synth is a little too up-front and dry, and since it's present throughout the whole mix, it tends to grate on you after a few verses.

    For the most part, this is coming along pretty nicely though - your synth choices are mostly working well and the melody/chord progression elicits a very Owl City-esque mood. It also reminds me heavily of Sole Signal's mix "Serenity's Wake" which is a good thing! :-D

    Take caution though, your mix is starting to get repetitive, since a lot of parts are repeated several times without much noticeable variation. For a mix only 2 minutes long, that's not a good thing :\

    Keep working on this, it's got good potential!

    Thx for the constructive feedback. :razz: Well then, let's see:

    About the flute and bass sequencing, I know they need work, but so far I'm only concentrating on the composition and I wanna finish that first before I get started with the mixing. (From experience I think it's not the wisest idea to work on both of them simultaneously.)

    I wasn't aiming for the 'Owl City-esque mood' but that's cool. XP Actually I only started this whole thing due to boredom, didn't think it would turn out to be something that has potential.

    And last but not least, I'm aware that it's still pretty repetitive. I just 'pasted' together 3 verses of the original tune as a start and started working on them as the ideas came. I consider the intro and the first verse pretty much finished but the rest is still WIP. Verse 2 is next and then comes 3, not to mention an ending plus I'm also pondering a solo. So in short, composition is still far from being final. :<

  7. Don't t really know why I'm actually posting this..boredom probably.. :-|


    Started messing around with another song..this time from Jazz Jackrabbit 2, the castle level. Coz that tune is awesome. Messed around till I got this..basic as hell since I only had a few minor ideas that I put in. I personally like the sound of it, especially the noticeable bass and the lead but I have no clue how to go on with it.

    Probably another thing that I won't be able to finish..

    Oh and source:

  8. To be honest, I liked the previous design better. The lack of the sidebar is kinda disturbing for me too, as well as the lack of the alphabetic game navigation.

    I would also point out what previous users did too, that the "Workshop" link at the top menu bar covers up the username box, making that modul completely useless.

    Furthermore, although this may be just me, I don't like that when you're in the forums, there are no left or right sidebars at all. This kinda makes navigation through the site less convenient, and I also feel it makes the site less user-friendly and welcoming. I personally find myself less enthusiastic to visit the site in this design. :|

    I do not know what made the change of the design necessary (maybe it was just time for a change), but as far I see it, it wasn't really worth it.

  9. Yeah, me again, with this remix again..call me stupid but I just can't move on from this song, not until I make it the way I want it to sound. And yay, I think I may have got something this time.


    Tho might as well state it now, since some1 would notice it eventually sooner or later, that I got the idea for the intro from another Bridge Zone midi at vgmusic made by David Austin. Not too original I know, but it goes pretty well with what I had so far, so I went for it and used it anyway.

    Still very rough and incomplete mix and arrangement, just showing the idea with this. Pretty sure this is finally what I'm gonna use as the intro for sure.

  10. Well thx for the feedback, opinions and whatnot guys, but I think I'll work on my Bridge Zone remix instead, even tho I said I consider that finished and everyone's sick and tired of listening to it by now..at least that had some potential. I'm making more variations, new intro and stuff for it, like some of you suggested and making it sound more playful. I'll post a new version in it's thread when I feel it's worth it.

  11. stats.png

    Still don't feel like finishing it, but I'm putting the WIP back anyway to see what others think.

    Source (with original lyrics): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvDXSvVNA8w

    My lame lyrics:

    Running at the speed of sound,

    If we’re around, better hit the ground,

    Coz from enemies we rebound,

    And with Sonic speed, we abound!

    As a team we’ve got plenty new,

    Cool moves, stuff I never knew,

    We’re breakin’ thru every maze,

    With Sonic style, coz that’s the craze!

    Watch me as I’m going strong,

    With my friends along!

    This way nothing can go wrong,

    Eggman, so long!

    Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

    We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

    Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

    But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

    I won't even hesitate,

    With a team like this, I won’t lose faith!

    They can try their best to change my fate,

    Against us? Hmph! They’re always late!

    Watch me as I’m going strong,

    With my friends along!

    This way nothing can go wrong,

    Eggman, so long!

    Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

    We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

    Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

    But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

    You can bet there ain't no doubt,

    That I truly care about, my best buddies.

    I can chase another day,

    Fight you all the way,

    Just for them.

    And together we stand strong no matter how,

    No one can bring us down...

    Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

    We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

    Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

    But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

    Sonic Heroes (Heroes, Heroes..)

    Sonic Heroes (Heroes, Heroes..)

    Give us a reason and we're on our way!

    Tried to make it about Sonic being a team with Tails and Knuckles, like it was in the game for those who never played with it (hence the clip at the start). Corny, isn't it?

  12. I deleted it, coz it wouldn't get nowhere anyway like my previous stuff here. After a while ppl get tired hearing the same song and doesn't bother to give feedback anymore, as it happened to my Bridge Zone remix.

    Ah... it's blank. I was going to check it out, too. Sadness.

    Rozo, the lyrics were from the source - which indeed made it sound like a kid's cartoon :<. I can see your point for the remix, though :P.

    Btw, I wrote new lyrics for it, that's what Rozo called stupid, so another reason to scrap it.

  13. Thx Gario. I don't think it's your connection, the end is a bit kinda sudden, but others said they like it that way.

    About the mastering, I don't know if it's really good enough, since you're the only one who gave feedback...Other's might think otherwise.

    And the source...I tried to make variations from the original tune to make it different (added a bass which the original didn't have and other more minor stuff), but guess they're not too noticeable.. :?

    Don't think I'll be submitting it (at least not in this form), since I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get approved..they sometimes throw back stuff I find perfectly made, and I have a pretty high standard for music. So it would be just a waste of the judges' time to submit this.

    Btw, I posted it to ThaSauce too for feedback, but no reply yet..VGMix seems pretty deserted recently, last time I tried to get feedback from there I didn't get any..and OLR..don't think I would get much of a useful feedback there.

  14. Well, exams are over, I managed to pass all of mines, so I could concentrate on this damn thing again. :<

    The way I see it, the mastering is final, can't really make it any better with my current experience/knowledge. In composition/arrangement there's not much change since last time, sorry for those who were waiting a solo or variation of the source tune instead of my old original section. Still could use some work here and there, but meh.. :?

    I still have a few ideas for this that I might give a try tho.. :roll:

    EDIT: a little change at 2:35-2:42.


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