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Posts posted by Tarnish

  1. Helloooooo~! I didn't see this one back when it was originally being worked on (I was busy with my own project, at the time... ages ago :?). I listened to the first WIP and the most recent submission, here - I'm frankly amazed how far it's come, since then. No, not OCR worthy, but certainly a vast, vast improvement. It went from a complete 'Meh' factor to a 'Wow, this was nice' outlook (Just not quite 'Holy shit, that was INCREDIBLE' yet; that's the OCR standard that I've seen 8O). Many mixers don't get out of the 'meh' outlook, for me, so great job on that.

    Now, for a little critiquing...

    The original WIP had too much source - now I feel it suffers ever so slightly in the opposite direction. The original sections that you've added don't have any sort of reference to the source that I can hear. Broken parts of the melody, source harmonies, rhythm, etc. would be nice to refer the listener to the source while not necessarily repeating anything. It keeps originality and continuity in one nice happy bundle.

    While using the stereo spreading... plugin thingy (name slips my mind, atm) to fill the channels better is generally good, you've got too much going on, as it is. Try centering the music a bit more when you master the thing.

    The instrument choice is fine, albiet blaise. None-the-less, I really did enjoy myself while listening to this. If not for OCR, try submiting this to other sites when you finish (VGMix, OLR, ThaSauce - I'm sure one of these places would be more than happy to accept this and give you even more feedback on it). It certainly can't hurt, and the feedback you'll get from a variety of places could certainly help.

    When your done mastering, that is :-P.

    Heh, thx dude. It's kinda funny that before it had too much source, now you say it hasn't got enough. I thought it would be good to break away from the source tune for a part of the song, but guess it wasn't the best idea. I'll try to think of a tune that's closer to the source or has some parts of it.

    About the mastering, I know it's very off, I didn't really work on that yet. I'll study some songs to know how much centered the different instruments should be (but I know which feature you're talking about, lol). The only thing I don't get is what you mean by 'blaise' instrument choice.

    Anyway, glad you liked it. :P

    PS.: It will take a few weeks to release another update, because I'm having exams in school from next week. And also coz my headphones died on me, and now I have to settle for a much worse quality headphones, which I still have to get used to.

  2. I think the intro is pretty cool, honestly, maybe you could consider making a reference to it later on in the piece (maybe changing it slightly as a way of transitioning out of the breakdown?).

    No need to put yourself down. You don't have to be your own (absolute) worst critic, lol. This thing has come a long way from the first version (and your first more-full-length version, too).

    Thx, glad you like it. :) Maybe I will try that with the intro and the breakdown transition, since what I have currently with the drum is kinda cheap and not very much to my liking.

  3. haven't heard this in a while :P

    I can see that your trying to get it sounding better for ocr, I think the arrangment, altho not flawless by any means, isn't bad. It has some good (and some cases unusual) variations.

    The biggest problem here is the mixing and mastering, I know your aware of this however, but it does need fixing, everything is fighting for the spotlight mudding things up and I think your processing your synths a little too much, I like the ideas of adding reverb, delay, phaser etc, but I think your over doing it a little, but at least your doing these things :P

    Good stuff I think but it undoubtedly needs work.

    Keep on mixing and the best thing to do with your mixes at the moment is to get feedback from other mixers. Do that and you'll only get better :P

    Heh, thx dude. :P

    My aim was a happy, playful song, but at parts I'm pretty sure I failed at that. =/ But oh well, for a first song from a guy who never made music before, it's a start, lol. I tried to make changes and twists from the source tune at as many places as I could but at the recent mixing, you can barely notice some of them.

    As for the phraser and other effects, I'll see what I can do with them when I'll work on the mastering, but I'm only gonna decrease them so they will still be to my liking. Doesn't really matter anyway, since I'm not planing on submiting it. If your cool remixes doesn't get approved, then this one will never get, lol.

    I'm open for other's opinions too, but so far not much luck.

  4. Allright, so after a few months I'm finally getting close to finishing this remix. Of course, it being my first music project, it's way below the OCR standards so I'm not even thinking about submiting it. But at least I can say I tried my best and finally put it behind me, since it annoyed me that I didn't finish it, lol.

    Feedback is welcome, but I don't think I'll be changing much on it (except the mixing and mastering which I know is very awful atm). The way I see it:

    -the intro doesn't really suit the song and the transition into the source tune isn't perfect either,

    -'own' section is pretty poor and repetitive,

    -the composing is weak in general,

    -breakdown and buildup transition is odd,

    -buildup is inappropriate,

    -it's too close to the source tune,

    and the more experienced musicians will probably notice a bunch of more mistakes and errors, but hopefully a few ppl will still find it worth listening a few times.


    After I'll finish the mastering, I'm gonna post the final version for those who are interested, but then I'll move on to another song. At least it wasn't completely a waste of time to work on this, since I learned pretty much how to work with music and FL.

  5. Try and make a mix out of this. It sounds as it is too much like Solaris form 2 as it is, but if you tweak it just a bit it might be a good rendition of Next Gen's main theme.

    Like I stated before, I'm not intending to make a remix or anything else out of this, since I don't have any ideas or the experience for it yet. It's just the result of trying out instruments and showing it in hope that much more talented and experienced artist(s) can get ideas from it. And in my opinion it doesn't sound like Solaris Phase 2 at all, the instrumentation, and thus the mood of the song is far too different from SP2.

  6. I was testing out some new soundfonts with the His World tune, and got some imo interesting stuff. Not a remix, just an arrangement, and I don't think I'll try to make a remix out of it anytime soon, but thought it might give some more experienced remixers ideas or inspiration: frvs

    'Raw' material without any mixing, so no need to point that out, but if any1 has any opinions to say, well don't let me hold you back.

    Never thought I'd use these kind of instruments since I'm not really for classical stuff, but the Cello, Choir and Piano gives it a nice, sorrowful feeling imo.

  7. Hi, I've been running into a matter that bothers me and I hope some1 can help me solve it.

    What I'm talking about is that when I export the song in song mode, it has different mixing with the effects I applied in the mixer than it has if I export a single pattern in pattern mode. In other words, pattern and song mode somehow have different mixing when I export the song. Is this normal? I wanted to make my song in more patterns, put it together on the playlist, then export the full thing in song mode, but if it keeps messing up the mixing it doesn't seem like the best idea. My goal would be to have the mixer settings in song mode that is has in pattern mode (if you know what I mean) coz that sounds better. I hope some1 can help me out here. Thx in advance.

  8. Well, back with this remix again, still haven't given up on it yet, lol. Lately I've been trying to vary the parts I have so far to make it a bit less boring. I'm also working on own sections like the intro, breakdown and ending, but I always run into the problem that when I export the remix in song mode in FL Studio 7 to put the different patterns together it keeps messing up the mixing, at least compared to when I export a single pattern in pattern mode. This is a problem coz my goal is to use the mixing pattern mode has. Can any1 tell me if they know how to solve this problem?

    Anyway, here's the latest version: Check it out.

  9. lkmg

    Well, here's my idea for the start of the breakdown. First I tried how it would sound by bringing in the guitar I did before then fading it out, but didn't sound too impressive so I thought doesn't bringing it back till the build up would be the best idea. This is just the main idea so I'll be tweaking and expanding it, but I think it sounds kinda calm and playful this way. I personally like it anyway. Hopefully you guys do too.

  10. One suggestion you could try - as a listener, I'm getting bored with listening to this, not that its bad though :D.

    Then imagine how bored I am listening to it..

    I think a lack of instrument dymanics may be a problem (basically, the track is at one level all the way through) I suggest putting in a breakdown section. (I would personally put it after your original section, and use the break-down as a variation of the main melody. You can then experiment with dynamics and velocities (how hard you hit the note of a instrument) and get a good fill at the end of the build up and go into the main section with drums and that phaser bass, like you have already.

    This part almost means to me as much as a chinese book..Breakdown, build up, instrument dynamics..wish I knew what these mean.

  11. Hi there, thanks for the message.

    On the mixing front, that bass/polysynth with the phaser on it is too over-powering, I would bring that down, the lead instrument would be more easily heard because of it, and your mix at the moment sounds a little weird - how can I put it - it sounds like your mix is shut in a box and doesn't have the room to breath, if you follow me :D hopefully bringing down the bass synth will solve that problem.

    I think that the bass kick is too pronounced at the moment, I would suggest bringing that down as well, but that isn't as big a problem.

    As for the changing of the source, you've done a great job, I love the variations you have put in the chorus, its awesome and kept me listening. But don't stop there, try variation the main melody a little as well :D. One suggestion - try using a different sound for the later run-through of the main section.

    Look forward to the next WIP.

    Thx for the advices. Well, didn't do much on it but here's the next one: ozov

    I lowered the phraser so I think it has a normal level now.

    You got me a bit confused with the 'bass kick'. Do you mean the bass in the background or the kick of the drum? :S These technical expressions sometimes confuse me..

    Didn't quite understand what you mean by 'different sound' either..other instruments or change in the tune?

    Well anyway messed around with it a little more and reached the point where I can't really come up with new stuff, like for the main melody. I changed the bass synth at places like at 1:29 and got an interesting, playful tune but can't really come up any with any changes for the lead guitar.

  12. Awesome stuff dude. I love all of your Sonic remixes so far and this is no exception either. :P You really got that jungle feeling with the drums and other instruments. Never thought the Game Gear Sonic games had such cool tunes too. Too bad the 8-bit sounding makes it a pain to listen to them. But this remix sure is top notch. :)

    Can't really point out anything that needs changing in my opinion. Except maybe a bit different ending would be nice tho I see you have that in plans. And dunno what but something also bothers me a bit about the mixing..perhaps sample quality? Anyway can't wait for the finished version. :D

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