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Status Updates posted by Sir_Snooze

  1. Oh, dude. Clearly that's how it went down - cryptic message in Genesis, hard to find, but it's there. The Sistine Chapel has it all wrong. I'm raising funds to go to Italy and do it right this time, with King Harkinian and that dumb-looking Link.

    Oh, can't bloody wait for Serious Monkey Business, by the way. That's gonna be awesome! Thanks for going through the trouble of making it, alongside Bahamut. You have no idea what kind of nostalgia that's gonna bring to my day. I'm stoked!

  2. Thanks, man! I love the pic. Found it on my comp - no idea how/when it got there.

  3. Hey, man. Outta curiousity, where'd your songs for Milky Way Wishes go? Do you have any others? I love your mixes (the Kirby ones especially)!

  4. There...I shrunk it. Better? I think? I'unno...

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