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  • Real Name
    Gus Kooyman
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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

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  1. Wow. That was amazing. Do you know of a place I can download the music? I could take it from the video, but the quality just wouldn't be that great...
  2. Aren't those from Kingdom Hearts II?
  3. Yay, Castlevania music. I actually just found out the name of this song, even after listening to it over and over in Portrait of Ruin. As soon as I figured out the name, I came here looking for a remix. Guess what? I didn't find it (suprisingly). This song is pretty cool though. I'm sure anybody who is a fan of Castlevania has heard it. Anyway, the original song is actually from Bloodlines. They just decided to use it in PoR. It sure would be cool to have this remixed though. Any style of music would be fine, I just want to hear it in better quality. Here's a link to the song. MP3 format... http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?noz34zwnywz Pac-Man? What're you doing here?
  4. Don't you have to be 18 to enter this?
  5. Ah. I had no idea this was in Mega Man X2. Are the MP3s you uploaded ripped straight from the game? Also, I have no idea what XG is. Sorry... Edit - Oh. I just realized the 50 second MP3 is the original, and the other two are the modified ones. Anyway, was the 50 sec. file originally a MIDI, and is it even possible to modify MP3? Sorry for all the questions. I'll wait for a reply now.
  6. I'm not sure "Final Level" is actually the name of the song, but that is the level in which this music plays, obviously. Anyway, I would absolutely love to have someone remix this. Actually, I would love to do it myself, but I have no idea how to use any remixing programs, and I can't play any instruments... I don't really care how this track is remixed, but it would be cool if it were some sort of rock remix. Well, here's the link to the only source I could find. It's from VGMusic. Sadly I can't find an MP3... http://www.mediafire.com/?tymhdx1vm04. So that's about it. I really hope someone takes interest in this project. It would mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance! -Gus
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