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Everything posted by squarewings

  1. Hi there =) Hope everyone's doing well and everything. I'm just in the middle of a large Sound Engineering project for my University and have to submit a business proposal for a computer game audio design company, I've chosen to focus on the independent game and mod/level design sectors. I figured the good ol' OC'ers would be good to hit up for some valuable answers to some questions I had =) 1) Do you think that the forming of a professional group of composers/ audio designers from the modding/ indie games areas would be a good idea? (if so, or indeed if not.. why so?) 2) How important to you is audio design within this specific sector of the industry? 3) Do you think that this area of the industry is one that will expand within the current economic climate? 4) Would you allow any music that you create (obviously music that is external to any remixes for OC) to be used in indie games or mods? 5) If so, what would you consider a fair payment for each piece of audio? 6) any other thoughts? =) Thanks seriously guys. Take care.
  2. my music myspace is www.myspace.com/squarewings
  3. hi there! I've just recorded one and submitted it for judging actually! it was seeing it again in mgs4 that inspired my friend and I to do it, as this is our first computer game remix! I've posted it up on my music myspace under the title of 'so long snake...' if you'd like a sneak preview! I'd love to hear what you think of it. Take care. Squarewings.
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