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Posts posted by Zarmakuizz

  1. Well, my answer will be just a little too late ^^

    I like your track, however there is not enough instruments. With only synthetic pianos your song really looks like the original song, you should add more instruments, then you will be able to give more "strength" to this music (a fighting music cannot be anything but powerful).

  2. Sorry dude, not my track.

    Oups, you are right, sorry. I guess i better send him a message.

    That's my track.:< I didn't think it was going very well, but you've just motivated/inspired/(whatever I'm trying to say) me to finish it. Thanks Zarmakuizz!:razz:

    (Working on the volume too)

    I'm glad to know that you don't have finished it. But take care! Now I know who you are, so if you will think a second about stopping to work this music... 69.gif

    Understood? :-D

    It's possible, though I don't know about the whole "some keys don't work" part...

    Speaking about the harpsicore, I just tried it after dinner. Two keys sounded bad and another was not loud at all, when i saw there was a cord in a bad place. I replace it, now all works with this harpsicore.

    I didn't play piano for last september, i have to find some sheet for a small training.

    just64helpin : your track makes me think about Battle Rocks.

  3. TheKrow, will you work more your Ganon Never Ages? I enjoy it but the track is a bit short.

    I don't have heard this "Ganon's League of Evil". It's light, but i like it (this track contains two of my favorites musics). Good job.

    HylianLemon, i was hearing your Dead or Alive music, when i remembered i have got a harpsichord. He is old, some keys don't work, however i would like to try what it does if i replace the electric piano by my harpsichord. Do you still have the sources of Dead or Alive? If yes, can i have it?

    (I don't know when i will do this, actually i have many test and i can't fail, however I can't work at home so maybe i will try it soon.)

    Oh, about the last music. It's like sleeping on a field in a summer's night : beautiful. Very well!

  4. Wtf? I just write two words and the message is well, and when I write an entire book OCR told me that the message is too short? That sucks...

    Your new track is beautiful, good job. Time for a new music on my mp3 player!

    Last week I spoke to a friend, a good drawer, about this album.

    First time :

    _Hey, do you know someone is remixing all the musics of Zelda : Oracle of Ages?

    _Oh yeah, the Subrosians! I want the Subrosians!

    _No, it's Oracles of Ages!

    _I know, but I want the Subrosians!


    Second time, I show him Not bad for a Diva. He enjoyed, but quickly :

    _Now, show me the Oracles of Seasons album!


    Yes, he is coming from a manga...

    Seriously. He would have done a picture for the album but he still doesn't have time (me neither) with studies, maybe during summer but not now. At least I tried...

    PS : What can I do about this st*p*d rule? Three times my message is too short. Next time I will post Great instead of an entire book.

  5. I'm not too excited about dropping yet another $80 AUD for this one

    I think in Europe they will send the game at 30€ (near 55 AUD) two ou three month after the release, as they did for Bioshock 1.

    The weapon in the video is odd. To get damaged by perfumes? :lol:

  6. Ubuntu is a good version if you have never been into the linux world. I just hope your PC isn't too young. In all case, you shoud have an ethernet cable after the install (for update and maybe wifi driver).

    You should install linux after any windows system. If you install windows after installing linux, you will not be able to access to linux when booting, and you will have to use a LiveCD of Grub, or to reinstall ubuntu...

  7. About the mission of OCR:

    Appreciate and honor video game composers and their music.

    Apprécier et célébrer les compositeurs de musique de jeu vidéo et leurs oeuvres.

    "célébrer" sounds odd for me. I will rather say :

    Apprécier et rendre hommage aux compositeurs de musique de jeu vidéo et à leurs œuvres.

    Préserver et promouvoir la musique des jeux vidéo passés et présents

    Préserver et promouvoir la musique des jeux vidéo d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.

    Fournir des ressources informatives et sociales pour les compositeurs de demain.

    Proposer or Mettre à disposition. "des ressources informatives et sociales", I don't know how to say it better...

    Maybe :

    Proposer du contenu et un réseau communautaire pour les compositeurs de demain.

    Distribuer de la musique gratuite de qualitée à l'échelle de la planète.

    Distribuer de la musique gratuite et de qualité à l'échelle planétaire.

    About the links to the English text :

    La version officielle de ce document est celle de la langue anglaise.

    La version originale de ce document est disponible en anglais ici.

    On this page :

    Fondée en 1999, OverClocked ReMix est une organisation dédiée à l'appréciation, la préservation et l'interprétation de musique de jeu vidéo.

    Fondée en 1999, OverClocked ReMix est une organisation dédiée à la valorisation, la préservation et l'interprétation de musique de jeu vidéo.

    Son foyer principal est www.ocremix.org, un site web contenant des centaines d'arrangements musicaux gratuits faits par des fans, de l'information sur la musique de jeu vidéo et les plus importants compositeurs,

    des informations sur la musique de jeu vidéo et ses plus grands compositeurs,

    des ressources pour les artistes en devenir et une communauté florissante d'amateurs de cette musique.

    et une communauté florissante constituée d'amateurs de cette musique.

  8. Hi all!

    I hope I will good write this post.

    You know it, OCR has many good remixes of lots of games. The problem is, if someone wants to discover remixes of a game he don't know, what should he do? He can seek for a game he never played but he know the name, and listen to the remixes... and? What else?

    I write that because I'm this guy, I want to listen to new musics, but I don't know what to seek (Final Fantasy? Mario? Metroid? And the others?), and I don't care if I don't know which game is remixed, I just want to discover new songs.

    So I do this thread: why don't make a Random function?

    Like Wikipedia: you click, OCR give you a remix, you listen to it.

    Maybe you think: "Useless, I only seek remixes of a game I have played, what the bell are you talking about? You think that the OCR staff has so much time to do a Ramdom function?"

    I know, we are in holydays, maybe the staff has better to do than a Random Function.

    I find this idea not useless. Yes, there is many songs for the same games: Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy VII... and the Random function will often give links for the same games. However, into this games, there are lots of remixes, and I'm afraid of downloading all the FF7 remixes just to listen to them, it's to huge, I'm afraid of! More, if I just want to listen to one remix, I don't know what remix to choose because I see a lot of remixes.

    That's because I think that a Random Function will be helpful.

    I hope this post is well written.

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