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Posts posted by Zarmakuizz

  1. I know Melody Assistant you can test without buying it. Of course you need Adobe Acrobat.

    I know Notation Composer : 30 days before paying, but it's harder to make a sheet, and you need Adobe Acrobat too.

    Melody Assistant I'm not sure (Made in France, but I think I have seen that you can install it in english), but Notation Composer is in english.

  2. Not too big of a stretch there. Especially because of Marth and the popularity of the Super Smash Bros. series. I'd actually be amazed if nothing is announced regarding Fire Emblem.

    For those who didn't know, Fire Emblem DS comes out August 7 in Japan

    It's true... Finally I prefer download the japanese game on my DSLinker after August 7 instead of looking videos, and test it.

  3. Hi all!

    Since long time I'm listen to musics of this site (like lots of people), it's time to speak with the OCRemix's community, right?

    So... I'm called Loyi or Guile, mostly Zarmakuizz. It is true that it is a strange name...

    I am 18, I live in Antibes... Yes, I am french. Antibes is in south of France.

    I'm bad in english, of course. So, never speak me in french, I need to use english easily. However, if anyone want a training in french, I accept to speak french just in private (msn, private messages...)

    The last remix I love is made by Darkesword, for a music of Metroid Prime 3. I don't have the game, but it's wonderful. I have listen to many musics of Darkesword, so I think that it's quite normal.

    Recently I saw that there are only two musics for Pokémon, it's few... I would like to make a remix, but it's more a dream than anything else... why not? I can try...

    I write like a quiche? Thanks to tell me what is false!

    See ya!

    PS: I use Google Translator for just 5 words... It's true! Next time, I hope I don't need it.

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