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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. That's like saying "everyone is afraid of sharks because David the shark has a really scary face. Even David is an excellent shark and technically no one under the age of 18 is allowed to hang with Dave anyway, everyone hates sharks because of him. Therefore I hate Dave the shark for everyone else's misunderstanding".

    I can't believe you hate Dave dude. It's not his fault, he was born that way.

  2. That's not a name. Silly Wes.

    Don't feel bad, you know how to deal with me babeh. U kno imma sucka 4 u.

  3. The graphics aren't actually terrible. I'd play it. I'd buy it.

    Also, dissertation in this Friday. We should meet up next week.

  4. The only rational explanation is that you're me.

  5. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or Willrock, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  6. U can be tha guy. Go download then make a playthrough video. It'll be teh lulz.

  7. ur not chrono, sileh furmz, ur halc.

  8. Urm. Wow. I'm glad you remember that. Hrm. You know, I might go back to that and redo the production 'n' stuff. Haha.

  9. WAIT WAIT. No, it's working. *Phew* No need. I'll start right away. ^__~

  10. Wait. They're STILL holding on, WILL THIS PAGE EVER FILL UP?

  11. We're now friends. At the click of a button true friendship has been forged. Beautiful, unbreakable.

  12. Well at least you wished me a happy birthday! I was pleased!

  13. Well hey there HALC, how're you doing in PAWNEE? It's you I'd like to SEE, but, RECENTLY, I've been extremely BUSY- so please don't hate on ME (you seem nice, I'm sure you'd AGREE). So anyway, I must FLEE, however I do GUARENTEE that soon I'll send you a sonic sax MP3.

  14. Well why does your name crop up...?!? Hrm... Something's fishy here...

  15. Well, I am. Hahaha, ah well, that's what you get when you put remixing as your priority over uni I guess. Heh heh, anyway sorry for the lack of providing.

  16. What?!?! WHAT?!? Go on, just take it. Take everything- just leave me and my family alone... PLEASE.

  17. WHERE R U? Getz internetz naowz Broz.

  18. WHICH ONE IS APPROPRIATE FOR MY POST?! I just don't know.

  19. Whilst you will never see this ever:

    Hello my brethren.

  20. Why do I actually feel bad I said no...?!?! Wait and my guilt will cave in and I'll offer you all my song titiles ever.

  21. Why hello EMUNATOR, erm, why, you couldn't be GREATER- unless you were a zoo CURATOR. Then, you could capture an ALIGATOR and make it your personal WAITER. Just make sure it's not a person HATER, because then it might become a TRAITOR and then it'll bite OFF YOUR FACE.

    No seriously, your name is awkward at rhyming.

  22. Why not Strawberry? Or just the good old regular one?

  23. Why were you even reading that?!?! Mind you it should be updated.

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