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Everything posted by smrpg4148

  1. Hey! I was out for a while taking care of my dad after his heart problem...I only just realized that ormgas is gone! What happened? It has been so long but...the only people I remember specifically talking to are Liontamer and this one girl from...Canada or the northern U.S.A. I think. I've been listening to remixes since what feels like forever...I'm nearing 8 years now I believe. So...as someone going into college to study (possibly) site management, what's the chance of bringing it back like it was?
  2. Hello all! I've been an aspiring remixer since I first got onto the site in the latter part of 2000. I stumbled upon it looking for original video game music...only I discovered something so much better. I don't know why it has taken me so long to register on this site, but I finally have. I have referred and introduced well over 100 people to the site during high school with various club functions that provided music for. Many people enjoy my taste in music, so I, of course, have introduced them to OCR (one of the staples of my playlists). I was on ormgas and their chats and forums for quite some time before my dad had his heart attack, at which point I completely dropped out. I'll probably be pretty active on these forums now, so expect to see a lot more of me! Peace, Evan By the way, my old monikers on the site include predator4149 and predator4147. I made those long ago. And yes, as Liontamer once told me on ormgas, my current moniker is really lame but...I still like it. I have more original ones but...this is just me now. I've been using it for various things for years...and I like it...so yea.
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