-- Warning Opinions Ahead --
I attribute this crap to huge development costs.
I mean things arn't cheap these days.
Think about it, back in the day you had games like DooM and Hexen... Half Life 1 ... ect, they were all made by a team of 8-12 people. Yeah that's right, no rendering farm, no huge billion dollar studio... just some nerds working in their basements. (extreme example) It was the same with the sega and s-nes, and hell the nes and atari age. Now adays most companies seem to have huge development costs for AAA titles... that frankly, are never as good as the origionals(Dont argue, because there are tons of exceptions to every rule).
I also strongly believe that most companies are now out to make money.
Why not, its big buisness now. More to the point though, it just seems like the mentality now adays. Even with the failing market economy, most companies like to gross twice as much as minimum wage for themselves. Thats all well and good... till it starts becoming more than twice as much as a 40$ an hour job or some s**t.
Anyways, back to this buisness about starcraft being split up in to 3 seperate games. I for one, think its pure and simply a money grab... I mean look at Blizzards website, they are comming close to making the same mistakes in the marketing department as Magic the Gathering has. There are some people there who are trying to make things right, but most there just seem to be forgetting to do one thing. If its not broken, dont fix it. Magic the gatherings website seems to be split up in to something broken with 6 layers of advertising before you get to anything usefull. Blizzard follows suit with their marketing stratagey, make the game so large, that you split it in to 3 peices. Then to make any sense out of the cool story line they have going for it... you have to buy all three games.
I dont know, I just feel that blizzards aquisition or partnership with activision (I think it was) has changed them for the worse. Oh well... if they do this I will wait till the game has been dropped to 20-30$ and then buy it, or wait for a package deal.
Happy Canadian Thanks Giving weekend all!!