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    Vocals: Male

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  1. Permutation - injury, Nicole Adams
  2. Some of this is kind of hit and miss with me. Specifically, when I heard the Bramble remix, I was a tad disappointed, but I was a fan of most after that. The percussion when the melody came in in Life in Mudhole Marsh felt really weird at first, but it grew on me I suppose. Looking forward to more.
  3. I'd like to see you expand on this, personally. At first hearing those vocals threw me, but I like where they went, it fit pretty well. Vocals seemed a bit strong in parts compared to the music, but still pretty nice.
  4. +1 Support for this remix. Over the Wind is a seriously epic song, and I like the idea of a jazz remix, really hope someone decides to do it.
  5. There's far too few Wild ARMs remixes around, and I'm surprised there's not a single remix on this site for Wild ARMs 3. The Wild ARMs 3 soundtrack provides a great variety of music, with capabilities for remixes in a wide range of styles, specifically jazz, ambient, rock, and some good ol' upbeat techno. I'm a major fan of Michiko Naruke's compositions and would love to see some quality remixes up on this site. A few songs in particular I felt had good potential for remixes are: And if there was ever a need for a fanfare, A Party So Long As the Stars Exist would fit in perfect. (Starting at 2:50, only clip I could find) Sorry for the length of the post due to youtube boxes. Personally, I feel an acoustic jazz remix of Long Days of Rest or Scenery Called Everyday would be pretty amazing if done right. Hopefully you'll find something that inspires you, because ocremix is sure in need of a Wild ARMs 3 remix.
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