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Everything posted by NautilusEx

  1. I agree on both points. I've played Pokemon since the Blue version and have over 1500 hours of overall gameplay accumulated over more than a decade, and I can't make out exactly how this is supposed to sound like the original track. I kinda recognize the patterns of notes if I really squint my ears and listen intently, but any casual listener isn't going to know this song from the soundtrack of a Nicholas Cage movie. You do good work, but I think this could be better.
  2. This is easily the best thing I've heard on this site in two years. I am getting so sick of "remixes" that are completely unrecognizable. As a fan of both of these games and piano music in general, I commend you for bringing the light of hope back to this site.
  3. Yeah, early 90's I'd say. I like it though. The only gripe I have is the title.
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