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Posts posted by daJungKI

  1. mr. bgc, thank you so much for your feedback. you are spot on about me snagging komplete 5--i probably wouldn't have purchased it if the GC guys didn't tell me it was a rockin deal, and that the cubase that was included with the keyboard was kind of a lite version anyway. (as you may have noticed i'm a pretty gullible guy)

    it's tempting to return the synthesizer and get a midi controller, but i do think that i would still like to use the keyboard outside the studio. my primary instrument is actually drums, but i can play guitar and keys a bit as well, and i love jamming with random people. having only a midi controller would render such experiences impossible! even though i could do so much with $600........like buy a ps3 or go on some fancy dates or buy a decent suit.........

    and about the whole aftertouch thing, hey, if i can make mixes as awesome as bgc's without it, i think i'll be all right.

  2. you bought it and NOW you want to know if you can get a better deal on it? and you "think" it's missing "that aftertouch thing" ... you sure have a lot of money to burn don't you?

    at least you bought a decent keyboard, but damn, if I were spending that much money I would research enough to justify paying that much for anything.

    if i'm allowed to mention my boring personal life here, i am your average piss-poor college student who barely gets by on a day-to-day basis. money is something i simply don't have, especially any amount beyond 1k. however, i spent the majority of the summer teaching english in korea and saved up a good amount, and the absolute first thing i wanted to buy was a keyboard. why? because i've wanted to use one for composing for years but never had the money. in junior high i used to use freeware programs like anvil studio to sequence midis for vgmusic, and maybe i'm just lazy, but it's damn hard inputting every single note manually with your mouse. after awhile i just couldn't handle it.

    so anyways, i was planning on buying a keyboard but the GC sale was completely unplanned, a friend of mine just happened to invite me saying that there were surely good deals on keyboards to be found. i ended buying the mm8 after talking with a bunch of different folks at the store that seemed knowledgeable on the subject (i also purchased komplete 5).

    but then i thought to come here, cuz this is the kinda stuff i wanna do, i've been coming to ocr for nearly a decade on a regular basis and you guys know your shit. i haven't opened the box so i wouldn't even be charged a restocking fee at this point. so thank you all for your input. since i probably won't have "money to burn" for a long while, ideally i would like to buy a keyboard that has enough fancy bells and whistles to last me, well, a long while. aftertouch sounds quite useful to have, but i'm also loathe to pay more than $1500 for anything, unfortunately.

    bgc--hear you on the MSRP. thanks for the reminder.

  3. and i know nothing about keyboards, nothing at all, all i know is that i want a decent keyboard for around $1000 and it was on sale for $880 (normal retail price $1200). i mainly want to use it for midi sequencing, recording, and composing. probably not so much live performance but i would like to leave that option open. i like the weighted keys although i hear it's missing that "aftertouch" thing.

    i'm not looking to be the most professional high-tech guy out there, my question to you experts and gearheads is, is there a significantly better deal i can get for a keyboard of that particular price point?

  4. so, i just dropped $880 for a yamaha mm8. doesn't have that fancy "aftertouch" thingy but has 88 weighted keys. right, so i've never used a keyboard before and i'm a remixing noob. i was lookin for a keyboard around the 1k price point and this happened to be on sale at guitar center, so i nabbed it. good buy, ya think?

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