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Everything posted by atenza

  1. Was that irony too? The truth is: you will never be the man your mother is:!:
  2. Gee, are you always this stupid or did someone help you? No, I just want to know which one is next. FF4 is GREAT!
  3. OK, thanks for clearing it up a bit.
  4. Hi, I was just wondering how do we know which official OCR project is next, like OCRA-0015? Is there a thread/topic about it yet? Thanks.
  5. So, when is this coming out? I can`t wait!
  6. Yes, thanks guys. In other words, I will just do it and then learn from my errors! Haha. Anyway, I will try and remix some song and I will get back to you guys to judge it. Thanks again for your input!
  7. Thanks guys for all your input so far! What is a music arranger? I will try and see what I can do to get me started!
  8. I mean, when you "remix" or "rendition" a song/theme. How do you begin, you load the midi file and modify it or you base yourself on the track itself and start from there. Anybody can tell me how, I wanna start too! thanks
  9. http://media.putfile.com/love-of-elegance-dub This is something I had on my computer, but can't remember from where I got it. It's only 14 seconds, but the piano theme is original and needs to be remixed into a better version, like with instrumentals or something.. anyway, if anybody can do it maybe, it would be nice, cause I like this theme, but I wish it was better than this. Thanks anyway...
  10. For fun, I did something on a piano... http://media.putfile.com/Atenza---Piano-Groundoss I like Piano and I will try to do a rendition of a kirby song on a piano, but of course, I will add more things to it. Cheers!
  11. I might join the club, since you quitted on the Chrono Cross Recomposition thing. Anyway, I still don't know what to rendition, I like kirby and the amazing mirror, so I might do the ice freeze area one...
  12. Wow, this volume is way better than the other one I think. Has some nice renditions in there! Quick Review: Track 1 is Green Greens on Piano! Sounds good! Score: 7/10 Track 2 is Sky High on Piano too. Sounds good, but not much. Score: 5/10 Track 3 is the Fountain of Dreams, but redone? Anyway, not bad. Score: 5/10 Track 4 is Vegetable Valley on a Violin, well sort of.. listen and you will understand what I mean. It's not so great, but is nice. Score: 6/10 Track 5 is the Heart of Nova theme from Kirby Super Star. Sounds a little bit better! Score: 7/10 Track 6 is Milky Way Stars and it's kinda boring one... Score: 4/10 Track 7 is Marx's Battle Theme done by Kropix. It sounds good. Score: 6/10 Track 8 is the Squeak Squad Title theme by Wii. Kinda normal... Score: 5/10 So, those are my opinions, what are yours!? Anyway, hope they make a better one with way more tracks! It would be awesome... I guess we just have to wait and see... Overall Score: 56% (It gets better I guess...)
  13. Yea, Zero Two by Kropix is my favorite on the soundtrack!
  14. A couple of them need a change of tempo, they're too fast.. but that's not a huge problem to change.
  15. I think I might join. I will try to recompose the Time's Scar theme and also the battle theme. I might do a piano rendition... not sure.
  16. Here's my review: Track 1 is the boss battle theme from Kirby Super Star. If you listen to both the original and this rendition, they are almost the same. However, the rendition has some little thing that makes it unique, but not as good as the original. Score: 5/10 Track 2 is Rainbow Resort Screen from Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland. Again, no major difference between original and rendition. Score: 5/10 Track 3 is the Butter Building theme from Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland. This FT rendition is a little bit (but just a little bit) better than the original. Score: 7/10 Track 4 is the Nightmare Wizard boss theme from Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland. The rendition is a reversed one and it sounds interesting, but not so good. Score: 4/10 Track 5 is the Mini Boss Theme from Kirby Dream Land 3? (I think). It's really a bad rendition... Score: 3/10 Track 6 is a Kropix rendition of the Zero-Two boss battle theme from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. The rendition is almost the same, but I think it's just a little bit better. Score: 6/10 Track 7 is Spring Breeze from lots of Kirby games (lol). This rendition is really cool, but still not too much. Score: 6/10 Track 8 is the stage 2 music from Kirby Squeak Squad. It's bad! Score: 2/10 Track 9 is the Halberd ship theme from Kirby Squeak Squad. It's not good either. Score: 4/10 Track 10 is another Kropix rendition, but this time for the Dark Nebula boss battle theme from Kirby Squeak Squad. The rendition is kinda good, but kinda not so good. Score: 5/10 Track 11 is the Menu Screen music from ??? Kirby game (I really can't recognize, maybe Kirby Air Ride or Canvas Curse?). It's not so good at all. Score: 3/10 Track 12 is the frozen fantasy theme music from another Kirby game that I can't seem to recognize, however it sounds familiar to a theme from Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland... The rendition is kinda normal... Score: 5/10 Track 13 is a bonus track of the Kirby & the Amazing Mirror theme of the Forest Nature Area. It's a Piano rendition, it doesn't sound bad, but it could have been better. Score: 6/10 So, of course, those are my point of views, what are yours...? Thanks for reading my review of the Kirby Renditions Volume 1 soundtrack from Mike Yorein and all the mentioned renditioners stated in each song title. Overall Score: 47% Good!
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