Thanks for the feedback. I am pleased you liked the concept. You are right about all the instruments as I haven't touched them at all besides raw midi imports. You especially are correct about the bells. I thought it was a good idea to incorporate a little of the "Carol of the Bells" as it seemed to fit but now that you mention it, the bells need to be way more subtle.
I am very pleased with parts of it structure-wise but I want to keep working at other parts. The transition at 0:37 I am not happy with as it doesn't keep any of the feeling of "building up" as the original tune does at that point. The 0:22-0:36 part was particularly difficult to adapt. I am happy with the strings part at that point but I want to improve the base. I also think it needs to be a little longer and have some ideas for that, such as incorporating a little more of the main melody from "Carol of the Bells".
Thanks again