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Wiggly Squid

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Everything posted by Wiggly Squid

  1. Been working on this off and on for a long time. Original songs are: Within These Castle Walls Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks! Clockwork Mansion WIP 06/13/13.mp3
  2. Original Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
  3. I don't think Faxanadu gets enough love. This remix was inspired by Dan Deacon (Spiderman of the Rings, Bromst) and is intended to mimic his analog-sounding style. Thanks for listening, feedback very welcome.
  4. Updated this, so I figured I'd bump it and give it one last try. Changed a couple of instruments, embellished some of the melodies, did some EQ.
  5. Updated 02-17-12 Originals: CV2 - "Message of Darkness" ReMix: Free MP3 download: Clockwork Mansion 021712.mp3
  6. Hey Draconiator, For some reason this file isn't playing any sound for me on the link or even if I download it.. I tested quite a few other links and mp3s to make sure I wasn't muted or something, so I don't think it's me. Anyone else have the same problem?
  7. Clockwork Mansion 10/19/11
  8. Thanks Damarul, glad you like it so far. I just put up an updated version. No major changes arrangement-wise -- mostly instrument changes. If I may, what do you mean by "more"? Anything specific would be great. I hope you weren't wanting it to be longer because it's already very long as it is.
  9. I really like this mix. My only comment would be similar to DaMonz in that the last minute or so is a copy-paste of the earlier part. I think you could just cut the buildup at 3:29. Maybe even cut 3:29 all the way to 3:49ish and just get right to the meat. There are several buildups in the mix and at that point I feel like "oh I heard this buildup earlier." Just a thought. Also take this with a grain of salt.
  10. I listened to this last week but just now posting even though the link doesn't seem to be working. I really like where this mix is going. I kind of liked the "weird" intro for some reason, though I can see why others would have problems with it. Perhaps making it more like the rest of the song (as CJ stated) would help out. I'd also love to hear an extended version of this as well.
  11. So I was thinking of making a lullaby/bedtime playlist for my daughter using OCR tracks. I've already collected about 14 tracks, but just in case I've missed something appropriate, I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions? Thanks!
  12. Posted a disgustingly rough version of this quite a few months ago. Thanks for listening.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I am pleased you liked the concept. You are right about all the instruments as I haven't touched them at all besides raw midi imports. You especially are correct about the bells. I thought it was a good idea to incorporate a little of the "Carol of the Bells" as it seemed to fit but now that you mention it, the bells need to be way more subtle. I am very pleased with parts of it structure-wise but I want to keep working at other parts. The transition at 0:37 I am not happy with as it doesn't keep any of the feeling of "building up" as the original tune does at that point. The 0:22-0:36 part was particularly difficult to adapt. I am happy with the strings part at that point but I want to improve the base. I also think it needs to be a little longer and have some ideas for that, such as incorporating a little more of the main melody from "Carol of the Bells". Thanks again
  14. Just wanted to get this concept out there. It's really rough at this point.
  15. Updated 07/07/10 I work for a medical animation company that did an animation a couple of years ago in which the subject expert insisted on being his own narrator (as opposed to using a professional), so the original voiceover (VO) was pretty bad. As a joke, I threw together a cheesy dance mix with his VO in it over a couple of lunch breaks. Our company recently re-recorded the VO with a female professional and now the company owns our own version of the VO, so I decided to recreate the track with this new VO since I already had a head start. Then I decided to put some effort into it and make it a video game remix. After trying a couple of game tunes, the simplicity of the Metroid melodies seemed to work well as substitutes for the original synths. The Title Screen intro fit in the sections where the VO is simply being spoken and I was able to substitute the main Title Screen tune for the original synthesizer dance riffs in the chorus. and Item Discovery are also used.Thanks for listening.
  16. Goofed around with a Spark Man Remix for a while and just wanted some feedback. (FYI - Worked a little bit with balancing the volume of different instrument tracks but haven't worked on panning at all with this remix.) Thanks, ~WS
  17. Rearranged middle section more. Eliminated one of the effects tracks completely. Added a Wah synth bassline to keep more of a trance/dance feel. Adjusted relative track volumes more but haven't really touched track panning.
  18. Cut out some sections so it is not as long and repetitive, eliminating about 42 seconds. Changed the order of some of the sequences in the middle section. Worked on the instruments so they sound a little more trancy and not as 8-bit.
  19. Ok been a while since I last worked on this. This is much more focused than the last version. Really revamped the middle section and streamlined the first and last sections. Added a hi-hat, which was a great suggestion. Cut out some of the odd sections, reducing song length by about 30 seconds. Thanks for all the feedback so far. ~WS
  20. Spinning In Orbit: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=168 Original song: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/index-gr.html "Top Man's Stage (5)" Briefly, just looking for feedback on the overall structure at this point. This hasn't reallly been mixed properly in regards to panning and relative volume of certain sections. It probably contains a lot of clipping and muddiness. Having said that I'd love any suggestions on mixing and production. Mainly I'd like to know if this is this worth taking further? Background: Discovered OCR about one and a half years ago and was inspired to dabble with remixing a song just for kicks, never really intending to submit it to OCR. I chose Top Man Stage from Mega Man 3, which I always thought was an underrated song. I worked on it for fun for about 8 months and then decided to submit a version of it to OCR. After getting rejected -- the first version was very repetitive and overall much worse -- I took a break from it for a long time. Somewhere along the line my brother had commented that the intro made him feel like he was floating in space, so I decided to really take that a step further with the feel of the song. I got some input from my wife who is an orchestra director and cooked up some ideas in my head and got more creative with the song progression, the drums, and the sound effects for atmosphere. It could still be pretty amateurish but basically what I want to know is: What's good, what's bad, and is this worth pursuing? Thanks, Stephen
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