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Everything posted by Slickzero

  1. Agreed. The back hall strat is the way to do it. No Mercy is the only campaign I've beaten on expert (our dead air attempt got flattened by my teammate's comp crashing repeatedly leaving us with only 3), and the back hall is how we did it. Dealing with the tanks accomplished the same as in versus, just light and kite. Is anybody else as excited as I am to be getting Dead Air and Death Toll for VS mode?
  2. The key to expert is to avoid friendly fire, and corner EVERY swarm. Friendly fire can wreck you so fast, and with zombies doing 10-20 per hit, swarms MUST be managed with corners or you're hosed. Also, very helpful to have at least one guy watching behind the group. Normally in vs. I go shotgun for T1, but I find that going submachinegun/assault rifle is best on expert because it's easier to avoid friendly fire, and if you do hit your team it hurts less than a shotgun blast.
  3. If you disconnect at anytime during the campaign, you can't get the achievement. Also if the server you're playing on is modified at all it disables achievements. That's probably why you never got it before
  4. You might have to work some other ninja magic to get the system to let you switch to infected. If you can't switch: sv_cheats 1 (turns on cheat options) sb_all_bot_team 1 (lets the survivor team be bots) sb_stop 1 (makes the bot team not move/complete the level) then hit M to switch also, if you spawn as something you didn't want to be, type "kill" in the console to suicide and respawn
  5. I just got this game about a week ago, and it's amazing. I really suck as a boomer though, get blown up ineffectually too often. Are you guys all playing on the same server somewhere? Also, I don't know what you all are on. Bill is cool, but Louis is THE MAN. No contest. He doesn't even need the force to repel forklifts, he just glares at them and they run and hide.
  6. Street Spirit by Radiohead I've encountered very little of comparable emotional depth
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