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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Thomas Matthews
  • Location
    Edmonton, AB


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

Torke's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I am looking at buying an E-MU 1212m PCIe card. I've run into two issues. One, I'm from Canada and their online store doesn't ship here. Two, I've contacted my local reseller and they are saying that the card has been discontinued. Thought I'd ask if anyone else has heard that? I've contacted Creative for support, they say their response time is 2-3 days, so I thought I'd check here. Thanks all. Here is a link to the card on their site. http://us.store.creative.com/EMU-1212M-PCIe-Audio-Interface/M/B002VDMUQ6.htm
  2. Hearing some good things about the Korg SP-170. Anyone from OCR have some feedback? Looks like an affordable entry level keyboard... Link to the Korg site: http://www.korg.com/product.aspx?pd=565
  3. Thanks mak. I know I won't be able to satisfy everyone, but I was trying to create an intimate guitar piece that quickly fades into a little something a little more punchier. Not using any other instruments is deliberate. I did mess around with some piano early in the song, but it just didn't work.
  4. It is a remix of Grabbag. I actually called it Red Light because one time when I was playing it my daughter thought I was being too noisy and shouted "Red Light!" meaning "Stop!" Has nothing to do with the Red Light District level, just a coincidence.
  5. Hi all, I took your advice and tried to increase the highs. Let me know what you think. v2: https://docs.google.com/a/lagged.ca/uc?id=0B-Lfu5N2tmL4M2JjNzA2YjctMjVlZC00ZDM4LWI4NzUtZmUyYjQ4YWViNDc1&export=download&hl=en v2 Mirror: http://lagged.ca/Red_Light.mp3
  6. Thank you Cyril, glad you enjoyed it!
  7. Thanks for the feedback so far, I really appreciate it! This piece was influenced by the grunge genre of the mid 90s, around the time that Duke Nukem 3D was released. I wasn't trying to be perfect and I'm happy that it is seems to work, even with the flaws.
  8. Hi, I actually had sent this simple acoustic ReMix to OCR submissions back on September 7. Given the long queue in the inbox, I thought I would start up a thread here for some feedback. If there's anything to be fixed, I could probably fix it before it's even downloaded for review. Didn't really work on practicing this song too long, maybe a week. This recording came out pretty nice on the first attempt, so I added some reverb and did some minor EQ and gate adjustments. Sadly, the pickup in my acoustic is busted right now, so I wound up just recording one mic'ed up track. My original intention was to record two tracks to make the sound a little more full. I was happy with how it turned out, anyway, so I figured I would just submit it. Mirror 1: https://docs.google.com/a/lagged.ca/uc?id=0B-Lfu5N2tmL4M2JjNzA2YjctMjVlZC00ZDM4LWI4NzUtZmUyYjQ4YWViNDc1&export=download&hl=en Mirror 2: http://lagged.ca/Red_Light.mp3 Source: Thanks for listening!
  9. Are you getting a permission error in your browser or are the songs just not loading? I had a problem with the sharing functionality on Google Docs, but I resolved it (at least I thought I did). I just tested the links and they are working for me...
  10. I think I finally fixed the Google Docs problem... so the direct links to the files should work now.
  11. @jabond23 Can you let me know what sort of problems you've having when listening to the files? I just tried and I was able to listen to them from both my blog and Google Docs. If you right-click and save them, does that work?
  12. If it's feedback you want, then feedback you'll get. This is really promising. Just don't add country-twang lyrics!
  13. Chernabogue54, what do you have in mind?
  14. Alright, looks like everything is working now, sorry about that. Wasn't sure why I was getting the permission error on the shared files, but I've since removed them and re-uploaded.
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