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Posts posted by 42

  1. As long as the world provides us Muppet Star Wars, I can live with whatever else this purchase results in, good or bad.

    While I'm still waiting for Pixar to take a crack at a Marvel animated film, Pixar doing some Star Wars would be totally acceptable too.

    Also, as an implicit result from this, I've got my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe LucasArts will loosen their death grip on their back catalog and we'll finally see Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, et. al. on some downloadable distribution services. *cough*gog.com*cough*

  2. gog.com just wrapped up their fall conference and announced that they're expanding to Mac!


    They also discussed bringing The Witcher 2 to Mac, Witcher 2's mod toolkit, and CDProjekt's new cyberpunk game, which is now titled Cyberpunk 2077.


    Also, there is a massive pay-what-you-want sale for the entirety of Interplay's back catalog found here.


    Edit #2:

    And you can preorder the new Giana Sisters

  3. What surprised me the most aside from ME3 was the inclusion of Trine 2: Director's Cut.

    I think the third party support is through the roof.

    Wasn't Nintendo supposed to have an "unprecedented partnership" with EA?

    And I no longer had any doubts about the 3rd party support for the Wii U after hearing the CEO of Ubisoft just piled on praise for it.

  4. I'm in the process of attempting to catch up (Thank goodness for Nick.com). It seems like every time I try to watch some, a new episode has been released.

    I'm curious if the entire series will only take place in Republic City.

    It has been confirmed that it'll be rooted in Republic City. They said they didn't want to repeat Aang and company's adventures.

    Also, could someone with better photoshop skills than I have redo this rageface to look like Tenzin? I'm really surprised it hasn't happened already.


  5. Here's what I'll do: this week I will take some time to consult with some friends of mine, weigh/compare a some engines, and hopefully have something to report.

    Currently, I just have too many questions and not enough answers.

    Also, I'm always open to any suggestions for game engines, too.

    I do believe that this will need community momentum/enthusiasm to succeed, but we still need to lay the groundwork before we uncork the champagne, if that sort of makes sense.

  6. What shows are they going to bring back is the ultimate question though...

    Agreed, this is the prime question.

    I've seen a lot of people listing programs they wish would return, but never someone listing what they might realistically air.

    I was thinking they might run things like Young Justice, but then I read their press release: http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2012/05/16/adult-swim-announces-largest-programming-schedule-ever-for-2012-13-363412/20120516adultswim01/#vWeOlMhqRuzJlkCW.99

    in addition to the return of previous series featured in Toonami, Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

    Well then, I think we're in good hands. :-D

  7. I got a song on their latest album w/ a remix of Doctor too *_*.

    When I saw on the bandcamp, I was thinking that it was you, but I wasn't sure until now. Awesome and congrats! :-D

    Btw, I've had a question for some time: is Doctor based off of the chorus to Journey's Separate Ways? It's especially clear to me whenever I listen to Savior of the Dreaming Dead, so am I just crazy or...

    Anyway for comparison:

  8. Bringing back Toonami would be meaningless unless they got some good programming like it used to have.

    That's pretty true, but on a similar note, Cartoon Network did bring back

    Planet hosted by Brak and Zorak and digging out some old Cartoon Cartoons, so I think the chances of them providing some quality programming would be pretty decent.
  9. I realize this is a few days late, and no, I'm not referring to

    specifically. (Though if you haven't seen it, go watch it. It's worth it.)

    What I am talking about is this: https://twitter.com/#!/adultswim/status/187004036824834049

    Apparently since Adult Swim's April Fools prank was so well received, they're gauging interest in possibly bringing back Toonami.

    Also, Cartoon Network conveniently happens to have a Toonami category in their feedback category.

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