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Posts posted by 42

  1. Anyone else disappointed that "Cooking Mama" wasn't one of the game genre choices?

    Also, why aren't we trying to go for a three way tie for last place? As of this post Shoot 'Em Up and Beat 'Em Up both have 4024 votes and Racing Game has 4021 votes.

    A Steampunk Ancient Egypt Racing RTS Shoot & Beat 'Em Up would be totally awesome.

  2. I like how they still don't want to actually put Minecraft fully into a 'Bundle

    To be fair, they did do a 2 week free trial of Minecraft back during the Humble Bundle 3.

    which is pretty close to jamestown.. Kinda.. a bit.

    As of this post, Beat 'em up is currently neck and neck with Shoot 'em up for last place.

    If it went RTS/Beat 'em up, I could imagine it being in a similar vein as Serious Sam: The Random Encounter or a Fire Emblem derivative (that is without the turn based combat).

  3. Didn't see this here, and this shaping up to be quite interesting .

    Mojang and the Humble Bundle people are teaming up to do a game jam weekend


    Just wanted to highlight this:

    The highest and lowest voted from each category will be combined for the game. Of course, you’ve always wanted to play a Shoot Em’Up Dating Simulator with a Candy Land World War II theme.

    By the way, when did Peter Molyneux become a video game genre? :dstrbd:

  4. After looking into it more, it does look like that Top Notch is a Notch exclusive item. Not ~that~ surprising really, but I'm still confused at its implications. The last I heard, didn't Notch say that there was some basic incompatibilities with how Minecraft would mesh with Steam? Like this?

  5. Here's the full TF2 Beta changes (aside from the 2 Misc. Item slots and loadout presets) if anyone's interested:

    • Updated the Foster's Facade and Noh Mercy to use the misc slot.
    • The class select screen now displays currently equipped loadout.
    • The Reserve Shooter can now be equipped by the Pyro and Soldier.
    • The Tomislav now reduces the wearer's health by 50.
    • Metal consumption while using the Widowmaker was reduced to 30 from 60.
    • The cloak delay when using the Enforcer was increased to 1 second from 0.5 seconds.
    • The cloak blink time when using the Saharan Spy item set was increased to 1 second from 0.5 seconds.
    • The Claidheamh Mòr charge extension is increased to 1 second up from 0.5 seconds.
    • The Scottish Resistance's stickybomb arming delay was increased to 1 second from 0.8 seconds.
    • The Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher now use the in-game slot notation on the loadout screen.
    • Added support for the Sixense/Razer Hydra motion controller.
    • The public IP is now displayed in the console when creating a local server, and the output for the exec command has been altered.

    Lots of interesting things happening here, but the most important thing here is the Tomislav nerf...


    *hugs Tomislav and cries in the corner*


    fix'd formatting.

  6. I would just like to add that we did feel it as far south as South Carolina. I was in the third floor of a building and we actually thought it was a strong wind or something.

    It wasn't until later that we found out about the earthquake. A lot of my friends were complaining on Facebook that they didn't feel anything. :-P

  7. Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

    I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

    Backpack is here.

    Even if you don't want any of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could at least take a look and appraise it so I know which items are rare. Thanks in advance!

    I thought I was a little too late, but I do have a Humble Indie Bundle #2 Steam key for trade if you're interested. Thought I might toss that out there...

    Unofficially, this supposedly adds new stuff for Team Fortress's 15th birthday, which is August 24th (tomorrow).

    15 years? Holy cow. I hope its stuff in a similar vein as the Original.

  8. Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you giving away reserved spots free, or must we still pay for them?

    If it's free, heck yes I want one.

    if not... :cry:

    I would like to second this; I'd definitely be interested in a reserved slot if possible. Thank you greatly.

  9. okay the lag is getting worse and worse

    I was going to send out money for a reserve slot but I'm going to hold onto that if the servers are going to be borderline unplayable

    hmm... I was just on, and there was only a few lag spikes occasionally. It wasn't bad.

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