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Everything posted by Audiophile

  1. It's excellent! This is what I'm talking about. A medley sounds best when another melody accompanies the primary melody by modifying the chord progression (I don't see too many of this in other medleys). The medley is not too long nor is it too short, which is a good thing. A medley should keep people on their toes by surprising them with various short themes. It keeps them guessing and excited what will come next, nothing is too predictable. I hate medleys that are too predictable like I already know how it will sound in the next 1 min without any accompanying melody to keep me surprised (I tend to fast forward after 30 sec onto the next theme). Of course this is just me. Now the song... I love the piano + 8bit synth. It's very tranquil and relaxing. Thumbs up
  2. Yeah something lengthy, but not too long (I can't stand medleys that are almost 20 min long). I'm interested in those that string together many zelda titles, not just one. How many themes are there in the 19:14 min song? It's just way too long.
  3. Are there any LoZ medleys on this site? I love medleys and would like to hear some.
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