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Onslaught Six

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Everything posted by Onslaught Six

  1. 107 BPM, I think I mentioned it in the original post. Technically, yeah you're too late...but you can do one anyway! I'll probably include it in a later thing.
  2. Er, ah...three. :/ But it's more than I had before!
  3. One more day until the contest is (informally) closed! If you're working on something, let me know, and I'll keep everything temporarily open.
  4. Ah, it's cool, man. As long as you still have an original WAV, I'm good.
  5. Future (Silence) is the first that comes to mind. For some reason. Incidentally, Draygon, yours needs a good name too. <.<
  6. Oh, I wasn't meant to imply there was actually MM3 influence, just that it seemed coincidental. It might just be that the track lends itself well to game-melody noodling (much more than some of my other stuff, for sure) and it's in a similar key. Listening again, this is a damn fine mix. It just needs a name.
  7. On the contrary, I was still able to recognize a lot of the melodies I wrote. Interesting to see it interpreted so loosely and beautifully, though! Almost seems like it's an actual song now. Some of the middly improvisational bits remind me of Mega Man 3's main theme, actually, which made me laugh a little. Mostly because of brentalfloss.
  8. You'd be surprised! I like tons of different music, and seeing the song redone in a different light is actually the whole point of running this. So, yeah, have fun with it.
  9. One week left! C'mon, someone's gotta be interested.
  10. Eheh, yeah, that's the title. That's a pretty awesome instrumental mix, indeed. Definitely plays around with the structure and does some fun stuff. Really like the effect in the middle where it fades down. Maybe it's just me but I think maybe some of it's too loud? Could just be the computer I'm using, though.
  11. You can do that or you can upload it to Sendspace or whatever, man. You can even just PM me the link. Hell, I've got Pidgin, you can send me the file if you want to do that. Up to you!
  12. Giggity! Glad someone's interested. C'mon, peoples! You don't even have to include my vocal track or anything!
  13. Alright, I don't really post on OCR often. I love what you people here do, though, and I've got a proposition. (Well, more like I already came up with the idea on another forum and thought maybe I could do it here too, but let's pretend I came up with it here.) I want some folk to remix a track of mine. You can use the original tracks or you can create something entirely new or whatever you want to try and do. Be creative! Here's the multitracks I made: http://www.sendspace.com/file/clzqpc It's at 107BPM. It's in...C# I think? With a lot of notes going down to A and B. Hm. Okay, I'm probably doing a cruddy job of explaining. Basically, I'm an industrial musician and I wrote this song and a lot of people think it's great, so I figured I'd hold this little contest for anyone to remix it. The deadline is June 9th. Have fun with it! It doesn't have to sound industrial or anything, either, you can do whatever you want with it. The winner (chosen by an arbitrary amount of factors which I will deem your remix "the best") will get their song used on an upcoming single or EP, wherein I will promote the hell out of you, and likewise give you a jumping on point to promote the hell out of me, if you so wish. EDIT: Want to hear the original? That'd probably help. http://www.sendspace.com/file/lg4e65
  14. No, no, definitely not. I appreciate any and all constructive criticisms. Had no idea the intro was in 7/8, so that's why it wasn't working out at all...
  15. First time posting anything remix-related here, so be nice: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gczzm0 I'm considering rearranging some bits and adding a synth or two. It's a remix of the first stage music. I kinda fudgenuggeted around with the intro bit and made it thrashier in those bits, because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Solo in the middle is kinda uncreative, and way too short, but I tried to do something there for like an hour, so I dunno. So yeah! Lemme know what you think.
  16. Yarr! I'm Onslaught Six and I'm awesome. I know Murmeli Walan! Like, in real life! And stuff! I do plan on actively submitting crap; I just did a preliminary mix of a track from Burning Force.
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