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  1. I use Sonar 6 too and I have had plenty of issues like this. Sometimes on a certain beat, it won't play any VST synths. Even if I solo the track and just bounce that one, the note is still missing. I've also encountered sampling issues with Battery 3, where Sonar cuts the sample short - especially noticeable with a cymbal hit. Luckily in that instance, just closing and reopening Battery fixed the problem. One thing I have noticed in both the synth and sampler issues is that the dropped notes vary depending where your start your piece. Do you have these problems during playback or just when you bounce? I experience problems with both- any dropped notes heard during playback will also be dropped in the exported wav. I just chalk it up to glitches, I imagine Sonar 8 doesn't have these problems. One of these days I'll have enough money.....
  2. If you can get 4 controllers and 3 friends over, virtua tennis 2 is a lot of fun. It's real arcadey, not too hard to pick up.
  3. Boss music against Dr Robotnik...here is a midi: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/Sonic_1_-_Boss.mid An orchestral foundation would work, but I think adding electronic elements (heavy beat, synth lead) could help realize its true epicicity.
  4. The Advantage cover this one on their album Elf Titled...it is awesome. http://www.imeem.com/people/gbOEObj/music/yZndIsDU/the_advantage_batman_stage_1/
  5. Sorry for the randomness, but considering what this thread has turned into, I LOL every time I think about this. xRisingForce, all you had to say was "Because it sounds nice.", and you probably would have made the best internet post of the 21st century.
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