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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar

Pegasia's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you much for the welcome :D

  2. Nice to meet you, welcome to OCR :D

  3. Welcome my friend -buys you an ale-
  4. Haha nahh you're not creepy, just obscure like me Yeah I've heard your remixes from the new album, they're amazing mate
  5. Well, welcome! I'm pretty new to the community too, so I'm in the same boat kinda. It's nice to meet you
  6. Yeah. I mean, I watch anime when I can and have seen a few, but I guess I'm still a stater viewer.
  7. Yeah I'm going to watch Saikano next. Sorry if my first post made it sound like I was obsessed with it, everyone.
  8. I know.. I'm sorry about that, I'm not very good at this really, probably shouldn't have made a thread. I've only done like 6 posts so..
  9. I'm sorry.. I decided just to delete them all.. Much easier I guess.
  10. Is it just me or is Elfen Lied the best thing in the world!!! Just finished watching it for the third time and it never gets old. I wishhhhh I was able to remix the Lilium melody but I canae Ohhhh well, I might anyway, just not submit it obviously
  11. Just listening to your Epilogue remix for FF4 mate, tis very cool :D

  12. Haha brilliant. This place is pretty darn awesome
  13. Eep! Sorry! See, I'm not very good at this >.< But thankies everyone who's replied
  14. Heyy, I'm not new in the sense of making a profile but I'm only just starting to use the forums properly. So I thought I'd just say hi to everyone So, 'ello -wave-
  15. Hey man, just been listening to the new OC album and I wanted to say that I'm loving your new sound dude! It's really awesome.

    By the way, belated happy birthday!

    Talk to you soon.


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