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Everything posted by Halcreix

  1. Something new from you and DJ Mokram, my partner left the city for a while, so I don't have a way to contact her until she returns. Well, we expect at least one for being the main theme of the manga, but if somehow we can count with two or more songs by other artists besides yours, we can include them as themes for the main characters or for places in the story, with their respective credits, of course! I want to put in clearly one thing: This project is serious and I don't want to overwork anyone nor to plagiarize your songs, my apologies if someone felt that way at the moment I opened this thread, perhaps I was a little rude in my manner of asking for this favor
  2. Of course!!! I'm just bumping because I wanted news about that song of yours and the one DJ Mokram said he will send me. I was a little busy lately with something important over here and I thought that if I didn't post here you would think that I'm not serious about it. I'm waiting anxiously for something new. Sorry if I confused you.
  3. Sorry to keep bumping, I just want to let you know that I'm still around here. Thanks for the help.
  4. Bumping just to let you know that I'm still alive and waiting for another music sample If someone else wants to participate, is welcome. "The more, the merrier" they say
  5. Hi!!! Yep, we thought about that site, but we are looking for something more private, in a manner of speaking.
  6. Thank you very much!!! Nope, but we are searching for a site where we can upload our work.
  7. Oh, sorry! I'm so distracted these days that I didn't get what you meant I sent her the MP3 of the song you posted, but I haven't received a reply, maybe she is too busy with work, I haven't seen her on MSN since you posted the song... Actually, I'm a little eager to know what does she think about it. I'll keep you informed
  8. Your song is cool, keep up the good work! like I said before, everyone interested in composing for our project is welcome, not only DJ Mokram, and we are really grateful to both of you I don't know if someone else will help us, if that's the case I will be honored, because I like this community a lot and I respect its members as true artists
  9. We'll appreciate it if you can share your creativity with us Please, lend us your talent
  10. Thanks for your interest in participating, Xavier, about the time frame, I was thinking about something 4 minutes long. But it can be a bit shorter or longer depending on your inspiration Sounds great, I think something like this will fit the story, I'll show it to my friend, hope she thinks the same (You know how umpredictable a woman is, though ) I agree, don't worry, take your time to polish this song, we expect to need it at least in one month so there's still much time left Thank you!
  11. Hmmm... that's a good question, well, personally I expect something that sounds like Corroder of Time by Tensei-San (It's not in the OCremix database, I don't know why) BUT my friend told me that she expects something "finalfantasy-esque", with chorus and violin, something like that, I don't know much about music I'll ask her some more details. Thanks again!!
  12. OK, here is the prologue of the story, I translated it some minutes ago , so maybe there will be some mistakes... sorry, my english is not so good yet. SPIRIT OF GAIA Gaia, a dying and devastated world, was once a beautiful land full of life, where the “Spirits”, Gaia's children (magical beings capable of use and manipulate powerful magic) lived happily an era of peace. However, over time, darkness covered Gaia, filling it with death and destruction, leaving its children and magic in oblivion… 3000 years has been since then, and new civilizations inhabit the dying world of Gaia; small towns and big technological cities are surrounded by tall mountains, immense deserts and unexplored, lugubrious forests that reduce communication routes between them, because of the great dangers they house. The world is left at the mercy of humans. Gaia isn’t recovered yet and is threatened by humans and their technology, the few ones that still know about magic and Gaia’s past are about to disappear. But these will be the chosen ones that will wake up Gaia’s children and save it from the threat that almost destroyed it once in the past. This story begins in a place called Farmin Village, a small town surrounded by a dead forest and tall mountains, a peaceful place in spite of the dangers that surround it. This town, home of the Zao Tribe, is the only one dedicated to farming in the entire world, and is also where Faith Lighter lives, a dreamy and fantasy lover girl. She enters the forest that surrounds the town by accident and finds a strange jewel floating in the middle of a lake; there she meets the Spirits Kuroi and Shiroi, two curious creatures who tell her that the jewel she found is one of the seven elemental weapons that keep the balance of the planet. Faith then becomes the Eau Zaphir key bearer, the water elemental weapon that protects the seal that keeps the demon Shadeter enclosed, who is finally freed by Faith after he saved her life… but she wonders if she did right when finds out that he was the one that brought death to Gaia in the past… Faith, along with her new friends Kuroi and Shiroi, will go after the demon Shadeter, and at the same time, will begin the long journey in search of the seven elemental weapons to wake up Gaia’s children and save the world from destruction. If someone has a question, I'll try to answer it, though my friend is the author, not me
  13. Yeah, I thought about everything you posted, Dj Mokram OK, right now I'm translating the "intro" of this manga from Spanish to English, there you will find many details about the story, characters and the world where it occurs. Everyone interested in participate will find the info here, I'll post it soon. Thanks again for reading!
  14. Hello!!! I didn't know exactly where to post this, move it if necessary. Well... I'm part of a newly created group of independient artists here in Mexico, we are producing a comic (it's more like a manga, though) and we want to promote it, I was thinking about composing a musical theme for it, unfortunately, none of us know someone with great music abilities capable of make it, so I came here asking for your help, if possible... Perhaps it's too early to ask a favor so big, but we know you can do it, if someone wants to help us, we'll be honored to give him/her credit for the work, and we'll find a way to reward this great help. You can contact me through here or via MSN. Thanks for reading me
  15. Ummm... Do you have a site where I can find the german boss phrases of Einhänder? I'm looking for those. Thanks in advance!
  16. Thanks for answering my question, so I must submit my work on April 25th??
  17. Wow! This sounds cool! I have some ideas, but I have to ask something: The drawing must be digital (for example: Photoshoped) or it can be scanned (for example a colored pencil drawing on normal paper)?
  18. Hello everybody!! I'm also new here, but I've already visited this great community some years ago and I'm amazed about how it has grown since then. As you can see, I'm a mexican guy, I'm 24, I love videogames (Megaman is my favorite series ) music and I'm a graphic designer, and I have to admit that I'm a fan of Sixto's musical work hehehe! I'm part of a newly created group of independient artists here in Mexico, we are producing a comic (it's more like a manga, though) and we want to promote it, I was thinking about composing a musical theme for it, unfortunately, none of us know someone with great music abilities capable of make it, so I came here asking for your help, if possible... Perhaps it's too early to ask a favor so big, but we know you can do it, if someone wants to help us, we'll be honored to give him/her credit for the work, and we'll find a way to reward this great help. You can contact me through here or via MSN. If I need to post this request on another sub-forum with more details, please let me know. Thanks for reading me
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