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Posts posted by KeysersozeH

  1. Too mellow for me. The intro is a little bit boring since it's a 4/4 kick with nothing more. The mix could improve with a little more of drum partern. Hi hat, breaks, differente parten for the drum.

    The lfo bass is not taking enough space. And the kick pump too much bass. IT should kick in the face and not kick and stay.

    But these are my own thoughts. Maybe you have your kind of atmosphere. I'm sure other people can help too.

    Keep at it.

    Thanks both!


    I tried roughingin' it up a bit..

  2. When I clicked on this I was skeptical on just how chill your beat actually was...but it only took me 10 secs of listening for me to say...."Oh yeah...that's chill" And it's just my style too...beats that play the same chill thing over and over again are dope...but I prefer beats like this that take you somewhere instead. Great Stuff.

    I forgot about this post a bit.. till i got an email about your comment. I listened to the track again and found a subtle change I could do, which worked well.. so thanks for making me re-listen and for your comment.

  3. I have the bad habbit of looking up the producer behind the comment(note im saying the producer, not the person.. cause that would be kind off perverted). Somehow the comment has more weight to it when the music of the commenter is good. I dont know if this is a bad way of thinking but im just being honest here :-).

    @ Proto dome - do you use soundcloud?

    I kind off liked the harmon mute on the brass (theres 2 trumpets and one trombone). Ill try what you're suggesting though.. maybe a cupmute with less sharp mix in the high freq. Im working on somekind of a verse for this song atm. Thanks for your time and comment!

    @ Willrock - I think, you are WillRock077 on soundloud right? There's a megaman and streets of rage remix (both very nicely done!!) Thanks on the comment. I cant read notes or chords whatsover, I do what sounds good.. and for that reason its great to hear the chords are good.. especially from a chords specialist!

    I'll try to make the rhodes stereo effect less prominent.

  4. I edited the first one, but now I think I really am experiencing midi lag.... badly. I have to rerecord later >_<

    I like the terror.. its crowded.. it makes it haunting.. very haunting.. and eastern cuz you almost chose a arabian note scale, i dont know music theory so i dont know if im even close with this in theory.. but this is how it feels.. nice piece you can go several ways from here.

    Im not to enthousiastic about the percussion though.. they dont sound as a part of the mix... more like something outside of it if you know what i mean.

  5. Actually, sorry to correct you, but atonal means that there's no key (and by extension, no tonic).

    In this case, I'm afraid erineclipse is mistaken about the piece being atonal. This tune sounds like it's in Ab major, which means that it can't be atonal.

    From what I heard, there are no incorrect notes. It's a jazzy progression, but all of the notes "worked", harmonically-speaking, at least to my ears. I think erineclipse may have been thrown off by the extended chords.

    However, I'll add a disclaimer to my previous statement by saying that I am not a theory major, and I also have trouble with 13th chords. By that I mean, I can't always discern where the root is supposed to be. For instance, for the 13th chord at 0:11/0:12, you have an Eb in the bass, but for some reason, doesn't sound 100% correct, even though Eb is part of the chord, and could conceivably be the root. I'm guessing it has to do with voice leading.

    We need someone really experienced with 13th chords to come in and give their opinion.

    Thank you very much for the consructive detailed feedback Solaphar. I do everything by ear, but i know that when it comes to low notes, i sometimes think the note fits the chord, when it does not.

    So to see if i can help you out to help me, i opened my pianoroll.

    the 1st short chord at 00:10 chord contains: g#5 d#6 a#5 c5 and a g#3 in the base,

    Fl studio says this is a g# major

    at this point the bass is playing the g#3 note

    the second longer chord at 00:12 contains: g#6 d#6 c6 a#5 f5 and a g#3 in the base

    Fl studio says this is a d# major

    at this point the bass is playing the d#4 note

    Thanks, appreciated a lot!

    Hmm.. sounds realy interesting *-*

    I Agree with solaphar that the Track has no atonal parts at all. But its also a matter of habituation of the ear. Just like when you first hear a sus-chord going over to a majorminor chord.

    But i would like to recommend you changing from tambourine to a variety of Hi-Hats. And The snare rim sounds like it has to much reverb.

    I was thinking, somehow ive seen your name before then i remembered i posted a golden axe rendition 2 years ago :Dhttp://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23418

    Yes thank you. Im still working on the drums. I'd like a more "modern" sounding kick, and i agree with you on the rim shot. I tried to get a michael jackson like swing with the tambourine.. and yes a variety of hi-hats could be very welcome.

    Ill re-post a new version soon. Thank you very very much!

    I'm not really a professional, so I couldn't give the exact notes, especially since I don't have access to the source, only educated guesses. But I can sense that some of the notes, especially the wind instruments, are off key. Basically, the sound is good, its just you haven't unleashed their full potential. The beginning sounds good but with some rearrangement of notes (mostly just adjusting their vertical positions) it would sound more professional. Again, I'm not a professional though.

    This might be the voicing of the chords, i didnt pay alot atention to that.

    As for woodwinds. I know for a fact the brass play the same notes as in the electric piano chords, but i somehow agree with you, it doesnt sound good to me... not only the voicing but also the lenghts in certain segments. Maybe i shouldn't let the brass play as big a chords as they are played with the electrical piano (sorry for my english).

    Thank you for your time, appreciated!

  6. Lot of atonality going on here. Lots of incorrect notes as well. I don't really know where to begin, but I like the song. Sounds sort of Smash brothers-y.

    Thank you very much for your constructive reply!

    I have no musical background so i looked "atonality" up. It means theres no root note for this song, and i dont think thats a very big problem at the moment. Right? If it is, is it possible for you to explain to me why?

    For the incorrect notes, you mentioned there are a lot. Can you give me the 1st only, i can try to figure out the what and why and work my way up from there. Then ill repost.

    Thanks again erineclipse!

  7. Hello people. 1st i hope you all are having a good day!


    Second I'd like to have some feedback on the mix as wel as the arrangements of the above song. All the things that are that come to mind that are wrong.

    Especially the mix in the low frequencies, how would you have done this?

    Im not a musician so also wrong chords or impossible note / chord combination that you hear would be great have mentioned to.

  8. I really dig this. Very mellow but it's got some really nice melodic content and enough variation in the mix and progression to keep it interesting. I like most of your instrument and sound choices a lot, too.

    One thing to watch out for is that it sounds like there's a little clipping in the left channel once the acoustic guitar comes in early on in the song. Other than that, it sounds solid to me. Really nice work.

    Edit: What program(s) are you using, by the way?

    Steinberg Hypersonic for the synths, drums and slap bass. Realguitar for that clipping sound on the left :P. And it FL Studio 8 for sequencing and mixing.

    I was thinking of removing a lot of reverb on instruments to make room for more percussion at the point where drums and bass go faster. Is that a good idea?

    Another question.. I see you have a good ear... For this song... chord changes could kill the mood of it i feel.. do you think its necessary?

    Hey many thanks!

  9. I think what you should do is start to 'unwind' it, so to speak. Start changing up the progression and explore with it. Even though you may not have any proper theory background, your ears should tell you what works and what doesn't. After a bit, you should definitely throw in a solo or two.

    Good shtuff.

    Appreciate your comment! Different progression and 2 solo's sounds good.. maybe change in drums and the way the bass is played.. yea thx

  10. Piano could be more centered, or more spread between the channels (just don't do some silly autopan thing). Bass is way too loud, and could use some more mids and high, actually (or less low boosting). Cymbals could use some centering/spreading too. I'd recommend giving them the panning using more phase shift than volume panning, that should sound more realistic.

    Hard to say what you'd need to change to make this an ocr-type remix without knowing the source. The sound is pretty good imo, but can't say if it's different enough from source. Adding a solo to a very conservative arrangement isn't OCR-style and probably wouldn't get past the panel. Can't say if this is conservative without comparing to source, but as you say it's more a remake than an arrangement it's probably too close.

    Nice jazz sound, tho.

    Thanks for the great tips man.. very much appreciated.. especially that cymbal phase shift might help. Piano is panned to the left cuz the source has that to.. sorry for not posting.. source:

    Im bad with mixing lows.. never comes out right.. gonna try what you said though

  11. Mp3:




    I wanted to do a redo of this song for a long time. I love doing remakes by ear since they help learn about the usage of instruments in certain genres/types of songs. Since i have no musical background and no knowledge of musical theory.. remakes are a good way to learn new stuff i think.I got some things wrong though.. like the last 2 chords of the string part.. (hard to hear the notes seperately there for me)

    But since i like the mix, now i want to (re)submit this remake as a remix. Any thoughts on changes I could make?.. I was thinking of a woodwind solo myself... maybe use the harmon mute trumpet for that... should that be enough? it might kill this song though cuz it gets its charms of being repetitive and only having subtle changes.

  12. Well, it won't stand as a real professional orchestral deal, but I think its finished as is. The strings in particular are excellently done and I'd love to trade you on what you used and how you used them.

    Hi and thanks for your reply!

    I feel its too short to be finnished. But I cant think of anything to add, so in a sense you are right. I used EWQLSO Gold ed. for the sounds and Fl Studio as the sequencer. If my remember correctly, the EWQLSO Instruments were Violins, viola's, cello's, contrabass, glockenspiel. Nothing fancy about the how though. Only different articulations for the instruments and velocity change for each note.


  13. One of my favorite dark film scores besides Conan and Robocop. Such a vibe. Offcourse this is Brad Fieldels Terminator theme from the 1st movie.

    Some attack, delay and reverb should do great on your keyboard. Would make it bigger and bring that dark mood into it.

  14. Hello,


    This is a 3 year old track. My mixing wasnt too good at the time.. but I think the song so far still sounds ok. Im starting to think about finnishing it. I dont have any good ideas yet though. Maybe someone here could help me out with some idea (for the mix as well, since there isnt any except for dynamics)? Thanks.


    *edit 1: I hope the link works.. i cannot check since my internet explorer is all messed up.. can someone verify?

    *edit 2: If the link above doesn't work, this one does http://www.nfftrax.nl/listen2.php?tid=922

  15. Thanks for the kind(er) replies people!

    Quoting Rozovian:

    "Not familiar with the source so I won't comment on that. The sound is good for most part, but the high pass-filtered harpsicord-like synth backing during the first half isn't that pleasant,

    needs some work to not be too shrill or contrast the more subdued section it's in."

    The "harpsicord-like synth" sounded oldskool 8-bit. I think thats why I left it in at the time... to keep the link to the original a bit? Hmm I'll try to see what I can do about that though, thanks!

    "Why not finish it yourself? "

    I was thinking of a collab while I was doing this remix. For instance, while I was doing this track, I left out percussion for most part because of this.

    "Even if all the sounds you've used are presets, you've got good taste in soundscaping."

    Thank you, and you clearly know your synths cuz yes they are preset.

    Could I ask you what you do when you're looking for the right synth sound.. You make your own in Albino?

    Quoting Gario:

    "now it needs to break from the source a bit in order to avoid sounding repetitious (always a bad thing).

    Compose something that is vaguely related to the source (taking bits and pieces and making something new out of them),

    then bring it back to the source stuff you've already been doing."

    That's a great great tip... The remix wasnt made with OCRemix in mind..

    But indeed to submit this here, i, or hopefully another ReMixer, will have to put more original passages in it.

    And I think right after the orchestral bit is the right place to do that.

    You know, I allready submitted something a week ago. It was a redo of the GTA 3 intro song. http://www.nfftrax.nl/trax/625359807-gtalaatste.mp3 .

    It was made before I became a member of this site and is way tooo close to the source: http://www.imeem.com/gregorydesigns/music/6n5LYbYh/rockstar-gta-3-theme-song/

    So I think it will be a big NO! but one can still hope :D.

    "do you plan on leaving it for the other person to do as he wants with it (allowing free compositional reign for the second composer),

    or are you going to tell them if something works and something doesn't (leaving you as the lead creative artist)? I'd be fascinated to see what someone else could do with this with option # 1"

    Thoug discussion is always possible I would go with option 1. As this is a hobby for me, I like to keep things as exciting as possible.

    The results could be great, disastrous or somewhere in between.

    Thanks for your time and thoughts, much appreciated for sure!!

    Quote AngelsDen:

    "I have to confess, that i like this Tune"

    Dont take this the wrong way.. but I really had to laugh at that 1st sentence.

    "... But somehow I'm missing some decent drumlines. At some parts the tune builds up and your waiting for something that changes and distrubs that overall chillin-feeling."

    I left percussion and drums out on purpose for the most part. 1st of all I wanted to try another approach to producing something.

    If I would have worked on drums and percussion simulaniously to what I have been working on now... the track might have turned out different.. you know what im trying to say?

    I also thought of a online collab with some great remixer while I was doing this track. As you can see the link ot the mp3 points to that C64 remix site.

    "Dont give up on it! I often loose inspiration while doing a Remix with Fruity loops, but thanks to the open community you are able to get some directions to go"

    Yes indeed! Thank you for your time and thoughts AngelsDen!

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