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Posts posted by KeysersozeH

  1. Theres some potential here.. I for one like the mood you're trying to bring.

    I'm new on this forum but maybe I can help you out with the next pointers:

    - Lead and back synths are almost identical wich causes alot of frequentie overlap. Either use different synths or do something with the EQ

    - Notes are kind of close to eachother without creating significant harmony. Spread out a bit.. A wider range will help you with that frequency problem

    - Back synths are too present, I would use a more ambient synth for that. Not only do they take a lot of space in you song.. they also tend to push your drums to the background whenever the lead starts to play... its kinda.. overcrowded?

    - There's some slight clipping on the left sometimes

    - The track needs more variation atm. You might wanna try some automations

    - This track needs some variable and more obvious baseline in my opinion

    - Did you put a phaser on an open hat? Cause right now it sounds like a snake attacking me from both sides.

    Excuse me english.. and good luck!!

  2. I made half a remix and I'm curious what others could do to it. Thats it.

    quote: "It's like building a tower. You build half the tower, and let your friend build the rest"

    I dont see whats wrong with that. As I said.. I've done this before. No one was offended or called lazy afterwards.

    quote: "BAM you go home you never see him again."

    What are you on about? Did something explode just now?

    quote: "You're not working together on the whole tower... you're doing half the tower on your own. "

    Yea, you just said that 2 sentences ago.. whats your point?

  3. I tend to agree: a collaboration is something you make with somebody, not throwing in a piece and telling someone *here, finish it*. I think it's lazy...

    Nice definition of the word collaboration. I do finnish songs for friends sometimes and when the amount of work that is put into a song is around 50/50 I would call it a collab. So maybe thats just your interpretation of the word?

    I think calling someone, you dont know, lazy... is plain rude.

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