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Everything posted by DwREK

  1. Reason Is Not A VST Host! It is an instrument/FX rack & a sequencer! That is all! ReWire it as it should be if you got the virtual resources & use all the VST your heart can handle! Let those who need to reserve some cpu have their basic-wicked Reason rack as is. Seems to me your biggest problem is that you are having a hard time telling your songs apart. I use song titles! There is software out there that already does what you expect reason to do with out focusing on mic tracking. That market is not open for Reason! Logic or Ableton will fix you up with all your virtual composing needs! My Reason 4 rack sits beautifully, right next to my virtual piano, my virtual drum-sets, my virtual guitar rig (GO NI) & a plethora of synths/samplers in my Ableton Live studio! I hardly ever even pull the "clanky-slave" out any more!
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