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Black Waltz

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Everything posted by Black Waltz

  2. Ooooh haha. We were wondering about that.
  3. That would be nice
  4. Dear ParanoidDrone, Stop killing me in humiliating ways. Thanks, Dr. Waltz
  5. Awesome. So that means no more "[Player 1] got [X] points for killing [Player 2]" etc, right?
  6. I experienced something similar in that it took me two seconds after I reached the supply locker for it to actually heal me. My ping was pretty decent: 40
  7. Argh 20 second lag spikes every 5 minutes...
  8. Does asking if they can M2 count as talking shit?
  9. I agree with this.
  10. ASFSDFHKJHF can't get on tf2 because steam servers are busy???????
  11. Old video is very old. But it's still cool.
  12. Ze Goggles. Zey are mine!
  13. What if you just like playing with friends that happen to be good?
  14. Yayyyy finally crafted a Killer's Kabuto.
  15. hahahaha i love that descrip btw
  16. You already can reflect a sentry's rockets.
  17. Also, can we turn sv_pure off?
  18. I can haz The Skiver?
  19. OMG that would be freaking awesome!
  20. 1. Press "1" 2. Press "Mouse 2" 3. Press "2" 4. ???? 5. Profit
  21. What? No. Fastlane is awesome.
  22. Finals are never over...never....
  23. don't start, atmuh...
  24. HERE*, rather.
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