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Black Waltz

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Everything posted by Black Waltz

  1. Yes we should. I nominate taking out sawmill/nucleus/viaduct/yukon.
  2. Luckily the commands are fixed now. A few days ago they weren't working so we had to deal with all the trolls and angry leprechauns.
  3. That would make TF2 into the MMORPG that we all fear. ie: "Collect 100 backburners to create a fireman's hat!"
  4. I used Druken F00l's idling program, so they caught me.
  5. Lol, me playing Wily Stage 1 at the beginning.
  6. And then have some jerk come on in the middle of the map with the huntsman and arrow everyone while you're heavy boxing.
  8. Wow, this looks like a lot of fun. Can we keep it Baha, can we keep it, please?
  9. This actually sounds like a viable, yet hilarious idea.
  10. sign me up for worst class day. i'm going to spend the whole blowing myself up while attempting to rocket jump.
  11. Off to the motherland tomorrow morning until August 2nd. Sorry if I can't make any scrims. I still might be on Steam but won't be able to play TF2 due to a crappy laptop.
  12. Sensai introduced me to this server and I've stuck with it ever since because alltalk is too good.
  13. The only map that I really don't like playing on is turbine. Whenever I'm on, we're always there. >.>
  14. FYI, I leave for Taiwan on July 9th, so if we're going to scrim after that, I won't be able to since my laptop = fail.
  15. I'm happy. I dominated Lumpy in sniper duels on cp_badlands last night. Too bad I forgot to take screenies.
  16. I'm curious as to what your K:D ratio is for that round, Sensai.
  17. What was that map that looked like dustbowl but was payload? I think that should be put on rotation IMO.
  18. Oh Bleck, not everyone can be as amazing as you.
  19. I'm interested. And I also agree that Hydro should be removed.
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