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Black Waltz

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Everything posted by Black Waltz

  1. Does anyone even play on RED?
  2. I still vote for keeping a password on the server. There's no reason we shouldn't, since it'll only be OCR members who use it.
  3. I agree. Let's just put a password on it and it'll be much easier.
  4. I haven't played hoodoo before haha.
  5. Engineers beware.
  6. Yeah that's kinda what I thought as well. I wish we still did scrims so we could play this.
  7. Opinions on cp_freight?
  8. I remember you. You were polite and modest about how new you were at the game and I respect that. Welcome aboard to OCRTF2.
  9. I'm in. What have we got to lose?
  10. I think we should all just chill out. I'm sure Brush isn't intentionally joining Frogg's team whenever he doesn't auto-assign for the sake of Frogg. He has other friends that he might want to play with as well that just happen to be on Frogg's team. And Brush doesn't pocket. I've clearly heard him say on mic "Hold on [insert name here], I'll be right there!" and immediately heal him/her whenever someone calls medic.
  11. TBH, I haven't played goldrush in the longest time, so I kind of miss it. And 2fort is a given, so don't think I actually enjoy playing that map. Egypt 1-2 is probably the only reason I don't always nominate the map. It's usually just a clusterfuck of sentries, snipers and demospam for RED and BLU never has a proper approach to take everything down.
  12. Yes, I agree with this; egypt, pipeline and nucleus have the potential to be fun if not played too often, but too bad the majority only wants to play dustbowl or badwater. Is there anyway to remove dustbowl and/or badwater from the rtv list so it's only playable in rotation?
  13. So I just got out of a game of ctf_well and I have to adamantly motion that we remove it from rotation.
  14. We can all gather in a circle around a campfire and sing kumbaya.
  15. You pretty much summed up everything I wanted to say, haha.
  16. We tried swiftwater a while back over the summer and I didn't enjoy it too much.
  17. It was half a class war haha. All of RED went sniper but BLU played normally.
  18. To lighten the mood a bit, I bring you funny (ok maybe not) screenshots!
  19. I actually got it haha. And don't worry, it's not you, atmuh.
  20. More so than a sniper, spy or scout.
  21. I agree with this. And also, why is it that the losing team's cart moves faster than the winning team's on the 3rd stage? There's no incentive to try and win the first two stages then.
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