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Transmogrificational Tune

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Posts posted by Transmogrificational Tune

  1. This is a great tune and very well played, Never once does the beat get jarring or off key. by all means post more!

    An aside for the judges, can ye put somewhere on the site the songs that DO NOT make the cut, even if its just in a heap somewhere, At the very least having other sources independent of the site able to listen to and comment on said works needing some tweaking/reworkng would go a long way to creating more quality music

  2. Right then

    Epic song url sent to all contacts...check

    Potential scenes for verses.... check 1= burmecia 2 after cleyra 3 when she gets the letter 4 before/after memoria

    Recommendations for future works: ANYTHING! doesn't matter what it is based on this and previous works twill turn out fine :)

    recommendatins for future works that I can't see anyone else even coming close to doing properly: any vocal theme from ArTonelico 2 (there's a LOT), ending theme of Odin Sphere.

    Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please submit other stuff ye have game related to here!

    *pants There I think that covers it, good luck on ye album!

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