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  1. The Final Fantasy games have always toted such a beautiful array of musical arrangements throughout the years (yes, I'm including the 8-bit wonders of NES as well ). That being said, I must point out that Final Fantasy IX is my favorite of the series to date. I'm sure I've stated that before, but it must be said again. That game is full of tracks that many overlook. I cannot say, however, that is complete folly. The shear number of remixes of 'Loss of Me,' 'You're not alone,' and 'Hunter's chance' are staggering. Yes, those tracks are quite popular in the video game community. But, beyond being fan favorites (all alliteration aside), they possess a more complex arrangement than most of the other tracks. They bring out the emotions associated with those integral parts of the story within the game. They also seem to have more depth to them. By that I mean that they do not simply repeat themselves. The bring themselves to mini-crescendos one could say. They aren't some vanilla background music repeating itself while a player is making his way to the next big part in the game. Such examples of those 'vanilla' background arrangements include 'Castle Pandemonium,' 'Daguerro,' or 'Bran Bul" just to name a few. While they make for great ambience, they do not exactly fit the bill for a great remix. Now, to make this relevant to Kate's great rendition of 'Loss of Me.' What Kate has indeed done is taken one of the those fan favorites and not only remixed the arrangement, but she has also incorporated lyrics all the while keeping the emotion of the song intact. Many remixes tend to lose sight of the emotion incorporated within the track. Kate also hit a home-run so to speak with her mix of 'You're not Alone.' There is quite a fair number of tracks left within Final Fantasy IX for Kate to pick from. Some may be fan favorites, but there are a few untapped resources that have yet to make a splash onto the main-mix-stream. Some examples of these tracks that provide adequate emotion and depth are (in no particular order): 'The Place I Shall Return to Someday,' 'Unfathomed Reminiscence,' 'The Song of Memory,' and 'Jesters of the Moon' just to name a few. I know that there are remixes of some of these already, but let me assure you that I've heard quite a number of them and they all seem to be lacking the same emotion and depth they had before they became remixed. So, perhaps I'm pleading with Kate to consider making her own renditions of those tracks. Or perhaps I'm just a tremendous airbag. Either way, I do hope to hear more from you, Kate, in the future. Keep up your phenominal work! -Kiz PS: I like the repetitions within the verses and chorus. It helps drive the emotion home, and it is used tastefully as opposed to being utilized as a mere place holder for softer lyrics.
  2. Thanking Kate goes without saying. I was thanking you for directing me to it. Thanks again. -Kiz
  3. Thanks SoulnEther This is a wonderful arrangement. -Kiz
  4. This piece is simply amazing. I'm not normally at a loss for words, but in this instance, your vocals have robbed me of my wits. Bravo on such a moving piece. If I may make a suggestion for a later arrangement, I would love to hear a moving rendition of 'You're not Alone!' Final Fantasy IX is my favorite of the series, and its musical arrangements invoke such an emotional upwelling within me. You've already made one of my favorite arrangements into a masterpiece. If you do decide to make lightning strike twice, I do hope you decide to take me up on my suggestion. Keep up your wonderful work! -Kiz
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