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Everything posted by luckystud77

  1. This is a work in progress, and not even near completion. I have been working on it for 2 years on and off, but really want to complete it. I have hit a brick wall and haven't gotten anywhere recently on this song due to not having the right tools and expertise (I only have Fruity Loops) ***IF YOU ARE IN THE SEATTLE AREA, I need to collaborate with you because I need help completing this song! This is my very first remix, and I want it to be amazing! The intro is pretty much how I want it to be, but the main part of the song need lots of work. I haven't re-arranged the main structure of the song yet but want to. I'm going for a very dreamy-like sound for the whole track. Please give me your input! Click Here To Listen
  2. I am working on a remix to Aquatic Ambiance from Donkey Kong Country. I need someone more experienced with tools that are better than Fruity Loops. Or I need guidance on how to work Fruity Loops even more in my favor. So far the remix is sounding way awesome I just can't finish it without help. It's a single track that I'm working on. The genre I'm trying to make it is techno/trance.
  3. I've been working on a remix project for over a year and I realize that I need some help completing it. I'm new at making remixes and need someone that has more skills and most importantly more tools to help me complete this project. I live in the Seattle area and could really use someone's help!!
  4. Great job with this remix!!! You have no idea how many times I've listened to this song in particular! This song has inspired me to work on a song with Aquatic Ambiance. It's taking a long time and a lot of hard work, though.
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